Proposal: The same few constructions
Self killed
Adminned at 22 May 2011 23:04:56 UTC
Create a subrule of constructions called “Woodworking tools” with the following text:
A farmer may build the ‘workbench’ construction into one of their partitions by spending 50 wood.
A farmer who owns a workbench may spend 20 wood to build fences on a square in their plot. This is represented on the garden patch page by putting square brackets around the contents of that square. This increases the Defence Value of that square by 5. A farmer may not build fences on a square which already has fences.
Create a subrule of constructions called “Juicer” with the following text:
A farmer may build the ‘juicer’ construction into one of their partitions by spending 50 wood.
A farmer who owns a juicer may remove a crop from a square on their plot and then increase their juice by 5, or 10 if the crop has the “Juicy” tag. A crop removed in this way is not destroyed for the purposes of the rule “Storage Space”.
Create a subrule of constructions called “Molotov cocktails” with the following text:
A farmer may build the ‘moonshine still’ construction into one of their partitions by spending 50 wood and 30 sun.
A farmer who owns a moonshine still may spend 50 juice to remove everything on a square on their plot and adjacent to that square explosively, including zombies, but not including sheds. A crop removed in this way is not destroyed for the purposes of the rule “Storage Space”.
If the proposal “Monogrammatic Nomenclature” fails, add to the end of the first paragraph in the rule “Planting”:
A seed may also optionally have any number of tags.
If the proposal “Monogrammatic Nomenclature” passes, add to the end of the first paragraph in the rule “Planting”:
A plant may also optionally have any number of tags.
For each of the objects in the following list, give them the Juicy tag if they exist in the Gardening Compendium:
Watermelon, Tomato, Pumpkin, Gourd and Melon
Add to the end of the subrule “Storage Space”:
A crop is destroyed whenever it is removed from their plot, except if a rule states otherwise.
If the proposal “And All The Boards Did Shrink” passes, replace sun with water in the “Molotov Cocktails” subrule.
Hopefully this one is a bit better worded.
I know I’m being really picky, but doesn’t “remove everything on a square and adjacent to that square” mean that it removes the adjacent squares themselves rather than their contents?