Sunday, June 04, 2023

Proposal: The Stars Guide Us

Withdrawn. -Bucky

Adminned at 06 Jun 2023 21:47:33 UTC

In the rule Avatars, immediately before the text “a home Tier”, add:

a star sign (which must be a valid value based on the Tiers equal to or lower than that Avatar’s Home Tier)

Add the following to the body of each Tier Rule (except for the one labelled Tier 9):

The available Star Signs in this Tier are:

And then for each Tier Rule according to number add the following immediately after:

1: Leonis (The Lion), Ursida (The Bear), Canis (The Dog), Equinus (The Horse)
2: Serpenta (The Serpent), Felina (The Cat),
3: Lupis (The Wolf), Aquilus (The Eagle)
4: Panthera (The Panther), Delphina (The Dolphin)
5: Draco (The Dragon)
6: Avis (The Bird)
7: Corvus (The Crow), Cetus (The Whale)
8: Lynx (The Lynx), Apis (The Bee)

Amend the rule Skywriting to read as follows:

As a weekly action, a Mindjacker may privately message the Ascendant an instruction to generate a specific Portent from the prompt “The stars are (x)”, where (x) is a Star Sign that that Mindjacker has access to based on their Level. The Ascendant shall, as soon as is practical after receiving the message, generate a Portent of the form “(name) was incongruous under the stars of (x)”, where x is the full name of an Avatar whose Occupancy Tier is the Tier with which star sign (x) is associated and whose star sign is not (x), if possible and if it does not duplicate an existing Portent (otherwise they do nothing).

Often dismissed as pseudoscience in pre-realisation societies, astrology is recognised in societies that are aware of their simulated nature for its predictive qualities, as it is surprisingly common for the movements of stars and the generation of personality characteristics to be based on the same underlying seed. One way of hunting avatars is to look out for people who are acting wrong for their supposed star sign; once you’re tuned into it, they stand out like a sore thumb.


Bucky: Idle

05-06-2023 01:58:02 UTC

You’ve defined (x) twice, with conflicting definitions, making Skywriting confusing to read. And probably not what you intended, as a portent signaling out Charlie under Canis would read “(name) was incongruous under the stars of Charlie”.

Bucky: Idle

05-06-2023 01:59:01 UTC

...and I didn’t notice the proposal within its edit window. Phooey. 


Chiiika: she/herIdle

05-06-2023 02:12:22 UTC


Josh: he/they

05-06-2023 06:34:56 UTC

Ugh that’s a bit of a stretch to call a typo, isn’t it?

against Withdraw, I’ll try again