Thursday, August 18, 2011

Proposal: The Sticky Bomb has a fuse now!

Self-killed, failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 19 Aug 2011 12:11:22 UTC

In the Rule “Altar of Mayhem” replace the text:

If a single Gladiator has been continuously attached to the StickyBomb for 72 hours and for at least 24 hours since the last Turn Boundary, any Gladiator may cause the StickyBomb to explode, causing him to Die. When a Gladiator attached to a StickyBomb Dies, the Gladiator who fobbed it off on him and the Gladiator who made the StickyBomb’s StickyBomb Post are each awarded a Frag and the StickyBomb ceases to exist; this should be noted in a comment to the StickyBomb Post.


The StickyBomb initially has a fuse length, which is a nonnegative integer and is equal to 9 when the StickyBomb is created. For each AP the Gladiator attached to the StickyBomb spends, the fuse length is decreased by one. Additionally, at each Turn Boundary the fuse length decreases by one. The Gladiator attached to the StickyBomb should note a change of the fuselength in a comment to the Sticky Bomb post. If the fuse length is 0, the StickyBomb explodes and the Gladiator attached to the StickyBomb dies. When a Gladiator attached to a StickyBomb Dies, the Gladiator who fobbed it off on him and the Gladiator who made the StickyBomb’s StickyBomb Post are each awarded a Frag and the StickyBomb ceases to exist; this should be noted in a comment to the StickyBomb Post.



19-08-2011 02:35:00 UTC

against because it increases the overhead of acting in general.


19-08-2011 09:02:53 UTC

Ok, but only for the Gladiator carrying the Bomb.

Kevan: he/him

19-08-2011 14:08:39 UTC

against Interesting enough mechanic, but I’m not sure that this really adds or fixes anything. And it introduces a couple of magically updated effects (“at each Turn Boundary the fuse length decreases by one” and “If the fuse length is 0, the StickyBomb explodes”), which are better avoided.


19-08-2011 16:05:31 UTC


Prince Anduril:

19-08-2011 16:34:13 UTC

against If the fuse length has to be decreased after the turn boundary, and this has to be noted in a StickyBomb post - then there needs to be a restriction on the time required to note this, otherwise boundaries could pass and no-one bother to reduce the fuse with the excuse that they can always do it later.

redtara: they/them

19-08-2011 16:36:21 UTC


redtara: they/them

19-08-2011 16:36:56 UTC

Prince: In situations like that the fuse length is assumed to be decreased whether someone updated the GNDT or not.


19-08-2011 17:18:11 UTC

Right, in the gamestate the fuse length is decreased. The posts merely are a help for everyone, so that you not always have to follow the spent AP and so on.

Prince Anduril:

19-08-2011 17:25:33 UTC

Oh right, “should”, not “shall”. CoV then for


19-08-2011 19:09:29 UTC

Playing BlogNomic quite some time now and I still can get thetriggers right.  against s/k per Kevan. I will resubmit.