Story Post: The Tenth Watch (9 comments) Unfortunately for TyGuy6, the Auto-Reapers developed a malfunction and could not

Unfortunately for TyGuy6, the Auto-Reapers developed a malfunction and could not be fired. He’ll just have to do it the old-fashioned way… In other news, Cuddlebeam and Trigon’s vessels are sunk in port.

The tenth Watch begins at 10:29pm 27/8/19, and ends 10:29pm 29/8/19; Orders to the Admiral before the end of the Watch.

For the current Chart, see the Admiral’s Log.


Kevan: he/him

27-08-2019 10:49:40 UTC

No Treasure for the sinkings?


27-08-2019 11:39:06 UTC

Strange that Thunder’s M1 ended up W of the Land that I thought he ran into from the N.

And yeah, I expect Kevan and I got 20 treasures. Good to let the Admiral resolve that, as it’s secret knowledge who shot.


27-08-2019 13:06:58 UTC

Ah yes, so it turns out Thunder’s order in the ninth watch was invalid, because it is illegal to move into land, so Thunder sent me a hotfix for that watch, and then made a move order for this watch. Also, please refer to slack for your secret treasure.

Kevan: he/him

27-08-2019 15:14:20 UTC

I don’t think the authority of a hotfix extends to accepting replacement Orders from someone after a Watch has ended, does it? (If that’s what happened.)

I know the hotfix rule is a generous “if the Admiral feels”, but it only refers to whether you feel that “the above steps resulted in incorrect representation of the dynastic gamestate”. If you only received an invalid Order from Thunder, and it was too late for Thunder to submit a valid Order, there is no way for the dynastic gamestate to be “Thunder moved according to an Order submitted late”.


27-08-2019 15:56:51 UTC

Hmm, so we need to reset thunder to where he was in the eighth watch, which was when he made his invalid order?

Kevan: he/him

27-08-2019 16:29:11 UTC

I think so. And applying whatever Order was submitted for the Tenth Watch, if any.


27-08-2019 17:15:33 UTC

Ok, the current Chart is hotfixed, and I’ve messaged Thunder.


27-08-2019 19:43:21 UTC

Pretty tricky, if individual steps of a move Order all have to be valid. I was thinking an invalid step would be skipped. But Thunder is probably happier that way; he got to avoid the port barrage. It’s up for interpretation, anyway.


28-08-2019 07:40:12 UTC

Hey folks, I’ve just noticed another mistake in this tenth watch post. The times say PM when they should say AM. sorry about that. It’s too late to edit the post isn’t it?