Proposal: The Time Has Come… To Say Fair’s Fair
1-6, cannot be enacted w/o CoV. Failed by Excalabur
Adminned at 20 Aug 2005 17:04:18 UTC
Add to the list of items in Rule 11:
** Home Construction Kit. Cost: $100. No player may have more than one Home Construction Kit in eir posession at any time. Any player who posses a Home Construction Kit and who is occupying a square on which there is no Home built may use eir Home Construction Kit to build a Home on that square. Home squares are marked in the GNDT. Any player which has a Home must be Loyal to the square which eir Home is located. No player may have more than one Home. A Home may not be built on a Red Square. Any player who has a Home may be referred to as a Homeowner.
Add a new subrule to the rule World called ‘Paying Rent’ with the following text:
Any player who has Landed at a square on which another player has a Home shall transfer $3 x Y where Y is the number assigned to the square Landed on to the Homeowner.
Although the idea is good, $100 is too much. Besides that, you’re making the rent on Square 19 equals $57, which also seems too much for me.