Friday, September 28, 2018

Proposal: The Unemperor [Special Case]

timed out 4-0 enacted by card

Adminned at 30 Sep 2018 17:08:58 UTC

Set Dynastic Distance and Imperial Deferentials to Inactive.

Make a new rule titled “Majority Vote” with the text

If a Program has voted DEFERENTIAL on a proposal, that vote is instead considered to be valid and either FOR (if at least one Program other than the author has voted FOR it and the proposal has more valid FOR votes than valid AGAINST votes) or AGAINST (in all other cases).

Make a new rule titled “An Emperor’s Victory” with the text

If the Flynn ever reaches a point this dynasty where they have achieved victory, they instead do not.

If the Flynn has commented on this proposal “Second place counts”, amend “An Emperor’s Victory” to “If the Flynn ever reaches a point this dynasty where they have achieved victory, the Program next closest to the victory condition achieves victory (breaking ties randomly).”

With the MPC most likely playing the gameplay role that would naturally be filled by the Emperor otherwise, I see no reason to not participate like any other Program this dynasty.
If you see a reason then vote against.


Kevan: he/him

28-09-2018 08:20:42 UTC


“next closest to the victory condition” is likely to be unclear in anything other than a straight race-to-X-points game, though.

derrick: he/him

28-09-2018 14:06:19 UTC


As a note, these rules are added to dynastic rules, not special cases. I’m not sure if that was intended or not.


28-09-2018 14:22:06 UTC

I don’t think other dynasties will consistently need these rules so they are not put in the special case rules

Brendan: he/him

28-09-2018 17:17:01 UTC
