Proposal: The UN
Self-killed. Failed by pokes.
Adminned at 14 Aug 2017 22:27:24 UTC
Under “Dynastic Rules” add section “UN”, with the text:
The United Nations and all CIC’s votes on United Nations matters are tracked on the “United Nations” wikipage. Each bloc may elect a Leader (who is shown on the wikipage) who has the ability to veto any UN matter. A UN matter is enacted if it has not been vetoed, and has gotten a majority of votes. The amount of votes a CIC gets is the IE of the CIC plus the amount of Politicians a CIC has. UN Matters include:
An achievement of victory by a player, when they set up a World Government under their control.
Making body and more interesting victory condition.
Maldor: he/him
So UN votes = IE + Politicians?