Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Proposal: The War Effort

Reaches qorum and passes, 9-0. Josh

Adminned at 25 Mar 2010 03:52:22 UTC

As a subrule of Rule 2.2 (Inventions), add a new Rule called “Rivet Gun”:-

Cost: 6 Iron, 2 Quicksilver, 3 Cogs     Power Requirement: 5
An Invention with a Rivet Gun is considered to be a Weapon.

In the rule “Regalia Actions”, replace “This action costs 2 Iron, 1 Cog and 1 Coal to perform.” with:-

This Action requires the Commoner performing it to own a Weapon Invention, and costs that Invention’s Power Requirement in Coal to perform.

As a subrule of Rule 2.2 (Inventions), add a new Rule called “Motion Sensor”:-

Cost: 5 Iron, 2 Cogs, 1 Gem     Power Requirement: 5
This glinting red mechanical eye has no intrinsic effect.

In the rule “Regalia Actions”, replace “By paying 5 Iron and 2 Cogs, a Commoner may build a Sentry Tower in the County they currently occupy.” with:-

If a Commoner owns an Invention with a Motion Sensor, they may remove that Invention from the Inventions wiki page and raise their income by the Invention’s Power Requirement, to build a Sentry Tower in the County they currently occupy.

As a subrule of Rule 2.2 (Inventions), add a new Rule called “Drone Unit”:-

Cost: 5 Iron, 3 Wood, 2 Quicksilver, 2 Cogs     Power Requirement: 10
If a Commoner owns an Invention with a Drone Unit, any Regalia Actions performed by that Commoner may be performed as if the Commoner were located in a neighbouring County to the one that they currently occupy.

Remove the “Use an Air Drone” bullet point from the “Regalia Actions” rule.

Under the current Invasion rule, any of us may “spend 2 Iron, 1 Cog and 1 Coal to build a mechanical army”! I think we need to get back to our workshop-tinkering roots, here.


ais523: Custodian

23-03-2010 16:46:13 UTC

for I’ve been thinking along these lines myself, and this is an interesting implementation of the basic idea.


23-03-2010 17:09:02 UTC



23-03-2010 17:25:17 UTC



23-03-2010 17:51:43 UTC


Josh: he/they

23-03-2010 19:00:46 UTC



23-03-2010 20:38:25 UTC

Hm, is there really an advantage using Inventions?  Or would this just make things more complicated?

But anyway, there is no problem then of course, so imperial (which means voting for the Proposal)

Kevan: he/him

23-03-2010 22:48:17 UTC

[Keba] It just seemed that the game was getting a bit detached from its earlier mechanics, with the option to “spend 2 Iron, 1 Cog and 1 Coal to build a mechanical army” while simultaneously not being able to nail together even a simple wooden Storage Drawer that cheaply. (If anything, tying new mechanics back into old ones makes things simpler and more intuitive, as we don’t have to worry about making sure that later game effects modify both the standard Invention rules and the magical Mechanical Army Building ones.)


23-03-2010 23:00:05 UTC

Ah right. Spending 2 Iron, 1 Cog and 1 Coal is too cheap, I assume. I have not seen that changes first time.

Hm, and it might become easier, if we try to manage (nearly) everything with Inventions…

so a slightly for

Kevan: he/him

23-03-2010 23:28:01 UTC

It’s not that it’s cheap, necessarily, it’d be easy enough to reword it in a way that wasn’t “build an army”, but I think it’s important to keep mechanics tied together where possible.

Darknight: he/him

24-03-2010 01:30:00 UTC
