Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Proposal: The Way to the Whale

Passes 8-0, yuri forgot to make it “Enacted.” - Qwazukee

Adminned at 19 Aug 2009 21:10:54 UTC

Amend the current rule “The Way to the Whale,” replacing every instance of the word “Icicles” with the word “Books.” Also, every instance of the word “Icicle” shall be replaced with the word “Book.” The rule shall read as follows:

  * A Bill Murray can “Find the Whales” by spending 4 Books.

  * A Bill Murray can “Feed the Whales” by spending 8 Groundhogs.

  * A Bill Murray can “Release the Whales from Captivity” by spending 1 Book when the Atmospheric Depression is greater than 5.

  * A Bill Murray can “Hold a Whale of a Party” by creating a Proposal that is voted on by 90% of all Bill Murrays, rounded up (ie 90% of 5 being 4.5, rounded up equals 5).

  * A Bill Murray can “See the Star Trek Movie About Whales” by Proposing a Rule that makes it into the Ruleset and mentions at least 3 of the following items: “Whales,” “Kirk,” “Spock,” “Sulu,” “Chekov,” “Uhura,” “Star Trek,” “Enterprise,” and “Set phasers to stun.”

  * A Bill Murray can “Kill the Whales” by spending 1 Harpoon.

  * A Bill Murray can “Do Penance for Your Crime” by accomplishing the Step “Recruit Bono.”

Forgot that Icicles no longer exist. So I spent 4 Books instead.



18-08-2009 03:44:11 UTC

for Very thoroughly done.

Darknight: he/him

18-08-2009 04:49:37 UTC



18-08-2009 07:09:06 UTC



18-08-2009 08:12:00 UTC


redtara: they/them

18-08-2009 14:10:36 UTC

for  for  for


18-08-2009 21:48:55 UTC


arthexis: he/him

19-08-2009 01:12:41 UTC


Apathetic Lizardman:

19-08-2009 04:12:50 UTC


redtara: they/them

20-08-2009 04:02:08 UTC

For future reference, you don’t need to vote FOR on your own proposal, but it doesn’t make a huge difference.