The Werewolves Are Defeated
Two silver gunshots ring out in the night, and the last of the Zahndorf werewolves is killed.
As the sleeping village moves towards a bright, new dawn, the brave actions of the villagers show that Hix the Alchemist contributed the most towards curing the village of its lycanthropic problem, and is free to assume the mayorship of a grateful Zahndorf.
So that people can check I haven’t missed anything, the actual Acuity gains were as follows:-
- Brendan and Darknight earned 1 Acuity for killing Kevan.
- Brendan, Clucky and Darknight earned 1 Acuity for killing Amnistar.
- Brendan and Tiberias earned 1 Acuity for killing Spikebrennan.
- Brendan and Tiberias earned 1 Acuity for killing Chivalrybean.
- Tiberias earned 1 Acuity for killing Elias IX.
- Brendan and Tiberias earned 1 Acuity for killing Aaronwinborn.
- Oracular, Shadowclaw, Hix, Rodlen, Rodney, Aaronwinborn and BobTHJ earned 1 Acuity for killing Darknight. Elias earned 1 for advising through his will.
- Tiberias earned 2 Acuity for poisoning Rodlen and Igthorn.
- Hix earned 1 Acuity for shooting Tiberias, Elias earned 1 for seance advice, Amnistar earned 1 for making the gun.
- Hix earned 1 Acuity for shooting Brendan, BobTHJ earned 1 for (presumably) providing information, Amnistar earned 1 for making the gun.
Elias IX:
Not that it changes the final outcome, but I didn’t receive any Acuity for providing information about Darknight?