Thursday, May 28, 2020

Proposal: The Wideness of the Wheel

Reached quorum 11 votes to 0 with one unresolved DEF. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 29 May 2020 13:56:36 UTC

In the rule “Wagers”, replace the second paragraph with:-

As a Daily Communal Action, an Amnesiac may Spin The Wheel by performing the following atomic action:
*From each Amnesiac, deduct a number of points equal to the Size of their Wager.
*Roll a DICEN where N is the number of Segments on the Wheel.
*Apply the effect of the Segment with Index corresponding to the die roll, to every Amnesiac with that Segment in their Wager.

If the effect of a Segment is that it “Pays Segments”, this means that an Amnesiac it is applied to gains a number of points equal to the number of Segments in the Wheel.

Replace all Segment effects with “Pays Segments”.

If this proposal enacted, replace “point” with “apple” and “points” with “apples” throughout the rule “Wagers”.

Moving the “everyone pays for their Wager” step out of the Wheel text and into the atomic action, and making the repeated effect into a much shorter keyword.


Publius Scribonius Scholasticus: he/they

28-05-2020 13:11:16 UTC



28-05-2020 13:17:43 UTC


ais523: Mastermind

28-05-2020 13:22:33 UTC


Josh: Mastermind he/they

28-05-2020 13:46:28 UTC


Lulu: she/her

28-05-2020 14:10:32 UTC


Darknight: he/him

28-05-2020 14:26:00 UTC


The Duke of Waltham: he/him

28-05-2020 14:29:11 UTC


Clucky: he/him

28-05-2020 14:34:19 UTC


On the one hand, I like this better than the current wording.

On the other, still doesn’t leave a lot of room for manipulating segments. But its a step in the right direction.

derrick: he/him

28-05-2020 15:27:15 UTC

against this will double subtract the size of your wager.

Kevan: he/him

28-05-2020 15:28:59 UTC

[derrick] How? It’s removing the “deduct a number of points” sentence from all the Segment Effects.

derrick: he/him

28-05-2020 16:42:22 UTC

oh wow, its overwriting all segments. hmm.  imperial


29-05-2020 02:18:18 UTC


Marco Sulla:

29-05-2020 11:15:43 UTC


Anyway, I would prefer that every Segment has “Gain a number of points equal to the number of Segments in the Wheel”. It’s more explicit and simple to read if the rule of one or more Segment will change.