Sunday, December 04, 2011

Proposal: The words will make you out and out

Passes 4-2 after timing out—Clucky

Adminned at 06 Dec 2011 19:06:39 UTC

Create a new subrule to the rule “Routes”. Title “Roundabout”, placing it with respect to the alphabetical order by name of the subrules, and give it the following text:

A Roundabout Route has a Scouting Cost of 5. When a Driver Drives a Roundabout Route, that Driver earns 1 Cash, and may move one of their Routes to the top of the list.


Soviet Brendon:

04-12-2011 22:40:10 UTC

against To cheap


04-12-2011 23:02:48 UTC

Why would it be more expensive? And if I am to propose it again, what cost do you suggest?
It gets its Driver no more Cash than a Downtown would, and helps change the order of the Routes in a very limited way.
Combined with Highways it helps hitting less dailies, which I think is good.


05-12-2011 00:51:40 UTC



05-12-2011 05:23:28 UTC

for Note that it doesn’t make the route Active.derp.

Prince Anduril:

05-12-2011 13:15:24 UTC

Which makes it pointless.  against


05-12-2011 15:26:34 UTC

Well it would be pointless if you used it to move an Inactive Route to the top, yes.
But as I said it can be useful combined with other Routes. Here are some ideas.
- Backalley Routes if you have a urgent need for protection
- Customs Routes (obviously)
- Extended Routes, to swap Inactive Routes
- Highway Routes, to hit less dailies or to make sure a third Active Route is Driven (and thus made Inactive) before the Highway
- Jam Routes, to choose which Route shall be jammed
- Scrubbing Route, if you want to scrub an Active Route but would like to Drive it first
- Tailgate, if you want to time the Driving of Tailgate, for instance if the Driver you want to follow has an Active Highway Route and you don’t want it to be Blocked when you target him


05-12-2011 23:45:57 UTC


Clucky: he/him

07-12-2011 03:06:09 UTC

for eh, I agree its on the cheap side but not horribly abuseable like highway was