Proposal: [Theft] Meet the Players
Can’t pass with 11 votes against. Failed by Kevan. -2 to Arthexis.
Adminned at 23 Oct 2009 14:48:11 UTC
Create a sub-rule “Player Pages” under rule “Ruleset Theft”
A player must have a page in the
player categoryBlogNomic wiki at the time he places a vote. The page must have the name of the player as the page’s title. Votes made during times when a player does not have such a page in theplayer categorywiki areconsidered null and voidnot counted for the purposes of enacting or failing Proposals. This rule takes precedence over all other rules.
Add the following sentence to the end of rule “Buying Votes (orange)”:
If a Player’s vote on a Proposal cannot be counted due to the effects of rule “Player Pages”, that Player cannot buy additional votes.
dotNomic rule 303. Player Pages. Seems like this can motivate players into actually maintaining a wiki page.