Proposal: [Theft] Who is JeffSheets and why is he in my house?
Passes 14-0 (5/14 Trivial); ais523 +2 pts, arthexis +5 pts, bucky +5 points—arth
Adminned at 14 Oct 2009 00:03:48 UTC
Create a new dynastic rule, “First Speaker”:
The Speaker for the first game shall be JeffSheets.
As far as I know, this won’t have a major effect, if any. This is DotNomic’s rule 104. (This probably is the “first game” by BlogNomic’s definition; but Speaker is currently undefined, and I have no idea who JeffSheets is in any case; maybe we could make it an alternate honorary name for the Speaker, if and when that role is defined. Leaving the proper noun untouched seemed to work better than substituting an arbitrary BlogNomic player…)
Josh: he/they