Proposal: [Theft][Trivial] WaveNomic
Cannot be enacted without CoV. -Bucky
Adminned at 19 Oct 2009 09:52:30 UTC
Add a subrule to the rule that permits players to steal a rule, and title that subrule “Wavenomic I”. Give the new subrule the following text:
1.101. All players must always abide by all the rules then in effect, in the form in which they are then in effect. The rules in the Initial Set are in effect whenever a game begins. The Initial Set consists of Rules
101-115 (immutable)1.1 - 1.10 (Core) and201-215 (mutable)2.1-2.7 (Dynastic).
A copy of the WaveNomic ruleset as of this proposal’s creation.