Proposal: Their bark is worse than their bite
Passed 11-0. Brendan
Adminned at 08 Nov 2007 14:12:34 UTC
Create a sub-rule of “Occupations” titled “The Master of Hounds” with the text:
The Master of Hounds (if living) may secretly inform the mayor of the status of the hounds. The hounds may either be “penned†or “releasedâ€. The hounds are “penned†unless otherwise specified. Whenever a villager is savaged by werewolves, if the hounds are released they begin to howl, chase, and corner their suspect. The Mayor shall make a story post indicating the name of the villager the hounds have cornered. There is a 30% chance that the cornered villager will be one of the werewolves involved in the attack, otherwise it will be a random living villager.
When the hounds are penned, the Master of Hounds may pen them outside the house of a living villager of their choice (themselves unless otherwise specified). The name of the villager whose house the hounds are penned outside of should be sent to the Mayor privately. If a villager who has hounds penned outside his house would be Bitten or Savaged by werewolves (or if they are a werewolf and they would Bite or Savage another villager) the hounds begin to howl, alerting the village and preventing that the Biting or Savaging. The Mayor shall then make a story post which identifies the name of the villager who has the hounds penned outside their house.
Kevan: he/him