Proposal: Theme anyone?
5-3. Timed out. Excalabur
Adminned at 05 Aug 2005 19:39:58 UTC
Add a rule named Currency
Each player can hold an amount of Blognomic Dollar (B$), which is tracked by the GNDT. This amount can be negative. A new player starts with B$ 100.
Add a rule named Items
An item is any object that a player may possess. There is no limit to how many items a player may have at any time. Items are tracked by the GNDT as a comma separated list.
If stated in the item’s description, an item may be “used” by the player owning it and any actions associated with using the item will take place. Unless otherwise stated in the item description, using an item causes the player to lose possession of it.
Currently there are no legal items a player can possess.
Give each player B$ 100.