Proposal: There are no bananas here…
Adminned at 08 Aug 2007 06:08:28 UTC
If Banana Grabbing does not pass, this does nothing.
Append the boxed text to these lines in Doing The Dance:
Transfer 1 banana from the monkey in position n_A to the monkey in position n_A+1.
Transfer 1 banana from the monkey in position n_A to the monkey in position n_A-1.
Transfer to the monkies in positions n_A+1 and n_A-1 one banana each from the monkey in position n_A.
If there is no monkey in a position mentioned in this move, the move does nothing and is skipped.
Oracular rufio:
Seems easier to just add a sentence to the bottom of the Line rule saying how to deal with all out-of-bounds references to the Line.