Sunday, December 01, 2024

Proposal: They Were Late

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark. Copied as a subrule to Rule Amendments per the text of that rule.

Adminned at 03 Dec 2024 02:11:31 UTC

For each of the following Slugs, if less than half of EVCs on this Proposal contained the phrase “I hate X” (where X is the name of the Slug in question), then add it to the list of Slugs:

* Name: Broom Barry
* Movement Rules: After Broom Barry sweeps, he moves backwards by 5cm.
* Extra Effects: Broom Barry starts each race at a Position of DICE50 + 50. If after a Move a Snail’s Position is changed to be within 8cm of Broom Barry, he sweeps, pushing all Snails in his range away from him until they are 8cm away. Snails sharing his Position are pushed backwards.

* Name: Friendly Fiona
* Movement Rules: If a single non-Slug Snail’s Position exactly matches Friendly Fiona’s and has done so for the past 24 hours, then whenever that Snail’s Position changes her Position changes by the same amount and her number of Moves is the same as that Snail’s Moves.
* Extra Effects: Friendly Fiona starts each race at a Position of DICE100. If a Snail’s action causes Friendly Fiona to cross the Finish Line for the first time in a Race, that Snail captivates the crowds with a heartwarming display of friendship, gaining 2 Fame.

* Name: The Iron Slug
* Movement Rules: When a Snail’s Position exactly matches that of the Iron Slug and has done so for at least 24 hours, then that Snail may reverse its polarity by making a comment in the Ongoing Race saying they are doing so and setting its Position to DICE100.
* Extra Effects: The Iron Slug starts each race at a position of DICE100. If after a Move a Snail’s Position is changed to be within 20cm of the Iron Slug, then that Snail is pulled closer to the Iron Slug by 5cm (or, if less than 5cm away, directly on top of the Iron Slug).

* Name: Identity Crisis Ian
* Movement Rules: If it has been longer than 24 hours since he has last moved or he has not Moved this Race, then any Snail may cause Identity Crisis Ian to perform the Slipstream Move.
* Extra Effects: Identity Crisis Ian starts each race at a Position of 50. If a single non-Slug Snail is within 5cm of Identity Crisis Ian, that Snail may help him find himself by choosing a Slug from the Bucket, swapping its Position with Identity Crisis Ian’s, and mentioning this in a comment in the Ongoing Race.

* Name: Danger Daryl
* Movement Rules: Danger Daryl cannot move by normal means.
* Extra Effects: Danger Daryl starts each race at a position of 35 + DICE30, because she enjoys the thrill of being directly in the path of oncoming traffic. Whenever a non-Slug Snail passes her for the first time in a Race, they may immediately after choose to roll DICE20. On an 11-19, they Spot Danger. On a 20, they Spot Danger three times.

Add the following step after “Create a new Race” in the atomic action in “Races”:

* Select the Slug of Death and 3 other Slugs at random, including those in the Bucket, and set their position to the Bench. Set the Position of all other Slugs to the Bucket.

Change the distance Slingshot Sam throws Snails from 5 to 20.

Filling out the Slug roster, including a reprise on the Iron Slug to make it more predictable and not hold up the game if someone gets near it. Generally I prefer them to be more powerful (they should each conceivably be able have a significant effect on your strategy IMO), so I’ve also made Slingshot Sam throw further. Feel free to say you hate Slugs you don’t want to see and they won’t be added.


JonathanDark: he/him

02-12-2024 06:46:26 UTC


Clucky: he/him

02-12-2024 23:25:17 UTC

for imagine some of these mgiht be broken but if they are it’ll be fun to see it happen

Raven1207: he/they

03-12-2024 01:17:25 UTC
