Proposal: Thinking With Portals
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 18 Feb 2020 09:14:50 UTC
To the start of the rule “Portals”, add:-
Portals are game entities which have a Name (a string), a Star Sign (with the same possible values as a Scientist’s Star Sign), Strength (a number) and a Source (either Alpha or Prime). They are tracked on the Scientists wiki page.
Replace “Give the Portal a name, made up” with “Create a Portal with a name made up”.
Remove “, and update the Scientists page of the wiki with the name, Source, Star Sign and Strength of the new Portal”.
If a Portal was created by the earlier proposal “Paging Professor Jenkins”, give it a name of “Jenkins0001”, a random Source, a Strength of 1 and a Star Sign of Aquarius.
Fixing the unattached Portal possibly being opened by Professor Jenkins.
Today’s horoscope for Aquarius (January 20 – February 19): “There could be marked difference between what you see with your eyes and what you read. It might help you to review a situation with an expert. It’s likely that you now have many questions to address. Someone’s daily routine could be at the heart of this. You may sense that the next few days are critical, and that you need to do all you can to conserve resources. On the bright side, a pending visit, (probably tomorrow), could give you something to look forward to.”
Josh: Mastermind he/they