Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Proposal: Third Strike [Trivial]

Timed out and passed, 12-0.

Adminned at 23 Oct 2009 14:43:07 UTC

Enact a new Rule, “King Anthony’s Crown”:-

Arthexis may not veto proposals. This takes precedence over all other rules.

After enactment, remove any Team ownership of the rule.

Okay, that’s three attempts from Arthexis to veto a rule change that’s had virtually unanimous support: a legal veto of the proposal to raise the daily score gain limit, a speculative attempt to veto a reproposal of it (presumably on the off-chance he is voted Leader before it enacts), and now a third attempt to veto a backup reproposal of it. This is to test whether there are still consequences to continually vetoing against the wishes of the community.


Darknight: he/him

21-10-2009 22:08:18 UTC

for Honestly, Art keeps saying the game is getting dull but he keeps trying to halt anything that would make the meta either get better or at the least, come to an end. Srry for saying this but Art, get rid of what ever keeps crawling up your a$$ and just play the meta fairly.


21-10-2009 23:21:15 UTC



21-10-2009 23:55:57 UTC



22-10-2009 00:00:27 UTC

...wait, can’t he veto this?

Kevan: he/him

22-10-2009 00:10:45 UTC

Oh, good point, I should Team Swap. Done.

Kevan: he/him

22-10-2009 00:16:00 UTC

Although no, actually, you can’t Team-Rule veto a proposal made by a member of your Team. But I was meaning to change my team anyway.

redtara: they/them

22-10-2009 00:55:56 UTC


arthexis: he/him

22-10-2009 01:22:36 UTC

for Good thing “may” is just a suggestion, unlike shall.

arthexis: he/him

22-10-2009 01:29:52 UTC

@kevan: Oh, and if I keep vetoing the same proposal, don’t you think you should stop retrying it? I mean, if we grow that limit Bucky to 100 has the biggest chance to win.

arthexis: he/him

22-10-2009 01:35:51 UTC

@darknight: Are we not friends anymore? Oh, DK you’re hurting my little heart.

Darknight: he/him

22-10-2009 01:46:22 UTC

Srry Art. We’re still pals but when I posted that it was what I was thinking at the time. Its a rare moment when I get that snippy at someone.


22-10-2009 02:18:53 UTC

Ah, but ‘may not’ is /not/ just a suggestion.  It means you can’t veto it /even if you wanted to/. 

I don’t understand arthexis’ game here, except with two possibilities;

1. he’s being petulant because whatever he’s after is proving difficult
2. he was trying to get bucky to win. 

These are the only things I can see that are consistent with his recent behaviour.  I’d've made this comment on the CfJ, but it closed while I was asleep.

arthexis: he/him

22-10-2009 02:51:30 UTC

@excalabur: You are deluded if you think I have to act consistently. Trying to get bucky to win? Nah, I was just hoping to hurt his political image by tricking him to vote FOR on that CfJ… didn’t work though.

I am amused that people come up with theories for my behavior.


22-10-2009 02:52:19 UTC

Ah, then you’re just a loose cannon and can safely be ignored.  Thanks!

arthexis: he/him

22-10-2009 02:54:49 UTC

Oh, if this passes I’m gonna change my player name too :)

redtara: they/them

22-10-2009 03:19:38 UTC

Surely you meant,
“Oh, if this passes I’m gonna attempt to see if the same Quorum of voters who voted to prevent me from vetoing will vote FOR my attempt to bypass this rule :)” ?

arthexis: he/him

22-10-2009 03:33:12 UTC

No, not at all. I can always leave the game and rejoin again with a different rules. As long as I never control more than one Player on BN, I’m not infringing on rule 1.10.

arthexis: he/him

22-10-2009 03:33:37 UTC

*argh, with a different name, I meant


22-10-2009 04:44:13 UTC

Bzzt, incorrect.  For the purposes of 1.10, idle players count as players.  Try again. for

arthexis: he/him

22-10-2009 06:50:16 UTC

I never said Idle, I meant actually leave the game, as in ceasing to play.

Josh: Mastermind he/they

22-10-2009 08:51:32 UTC


Josh: Mastermind he/they

22-10-2009 08:55:30 UTC

The ruleset contains no provision for leaving the game. Even if you create a new account, arthexis will always exist and thus the second account will always be illegal.


22-10-2009 13:48:33 UTC



22-10-2009 14:06:18 UTC

@JeffSheets: “A Player may leave the game at any time by posting an entry to the BlogNomic weblog requesting such an action.”—Rule 1.2


22-10-2009 14:57:02 UTC


Josh: Mastermind he/they

22-10-2009 15:20:49 UTC

Ah, good point DC, I hadn’t noticed that.

Still, I don’t know that I trust arth with admin powers right now anyway, so it’s probably for the best.


22-10-2009 17:58:15 UTC


arthexis: he/him

22-10-2009 22:46:55 UTC

Why, JS? I admin much more proposals than you do.


23-10-2009 15:07:07 UTC
