Proposal: Third Strike [Trivial]
Timed out and passed, 12-0.
Adminned at 23 Oct 2009 14:43:07 UTC
Enact a new Rule, “King Anthony’s Crown”:-
Arthexis may not veto proposals. This takes precedence over all other rules.
After enactment, remove any Team ownership of the rule.
Okay, that’s three attempts from Arthexis to veto a rule change that’s had virtually unanimous support: a legal veto of the proposal to raise the daily score gain limit, a speculative attempt to veto a reproposal of it (presumably on the off-chance he is voted Leader before it enacts), and now a third attempt to veto a backup reproposal of it. This is to test whether there are still consequences to continually vetoing against the wishes of the community.
Darknight: he/him
Honestly, Art keeps saying the game is getting dull but he keeps trying to halt anything that would make the meta either get better or at the least, come to an end. Srry for saying this but Art, get rid of what ever keeps crawling up your a$$ and just play the meta fairly.