Proposal: This Dynasty Just Keeps Getting Planar and Planar
timed out, final vote 2-5—Yoda
Adminned at 27 May 2008 18:40:15 UTC
Create a dynastic rule titled “Summoning” with the following text:
Each DDA member has a statistic “Summoned Planar Entity” (abbreviated “SPE”), tracked in the GNDT, whose only legal values are “-” and the name of any Planar Entity named in the “Planar Entities” wiki page. A DDA member (the Summoner) may, if he does not already have a summoned Planar Entity, summon a non-contained Planar Entity that is not already summoned by another DDA member by setting his SPE to the name of that Planar Entity.
A DDA member may, as a daily action, perform the ability of the Planar Entity that he has summoned, unless specified otherwise in the text of the ability.
120 hours (5 days) after a DDA member has summoned a Planar Entity, if that Planar Entity has not been contained, that Planar Entity ceases to be summoned and the DDA member’s SPE statistic is set to “-”. If a summoned Planar Entity ever becomes contained, it ceases to be summoned and its Summoner’s SPE statistic is set to “-”.
Add the following text to the end of the rule 2.2 Planar Entities:
Planar Entities may also have special abilities that affect the Gamestate.
Add the following text to the end of the sub-rule 2.1.2 Containment:
120 hours (5 days) after a Planar Entity has been contained, it ceases to be contained and the text “(Contained)” shall be removed from the Planar Entity’s entry in the “Planar Entities†wiki page.
If the proposal “Now, let’s try something else” passes, repeal the sub-rule “Management” of rule 2.2 Planar Entities and replace “non-contained Planar Entity” in the rule “Summoning” with “non-contained Allied Planar Entity”.
If the proposal “You’re such a flatlander” passes, replace the text of the sub-rule “Restriction” of the rule 2.1 Container Fields with “A contained Planar Entity may not use its ability for as long as it is contained.”
arthexis: he/him