Proposal: This dynasty sucks
Tony spoke to this proposal—Rodlen
Adminned at 12 Jan 2009 10:38:17 UTC
Replace the text:
three relics, the BLO relic, the GNO relic and the MIC relic
in Rule 2.4.1 “Relics” with:
two relics, the BLOMIC relic and the GNO relic
Replace the text:
In this variable the BLO relic will be abbreviated to B, the GNO relic will be abbreviated to G and the MIC relic will be abbreviated to M.
in Rule 2.4.1 “Relics” with:
In this variable the BLOMIC relic will be abbreviated to BM and the GNO relic will be abbreviated to G.
If more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “Cow”, give Arthexis the BLOMIC Relic.
Explicit author FOR