Monday, November 19, 2007

Proposal: This land is your land. I’ll take it.

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 20 Nov 2007 06:43:24 UTC

Add a rule named Lands. It shall contain the following text

As a weekly action, a Valkyrie may suggest a Land to be entered into the game by making a story post with the title “Suggest Land: X” where X is the name of the suggested land. Lands, like Einherjar, must have a link associated to them that contains information about the land. The land may be Fictional or Real. Lands shall have a Type and Special Effect. Lands will be listed on the wiki page titled Lands. At any time, the Allfather may add a Suggested Land to the Lands wiki page. As a daily action, a Valkyrie may change the Land Location of any Einherjar she has recruited to any of the lands listed in the Lands wiki page. If a Einherjar has no land listed, it is considered to be Resting.

Create a subrule in the rule Lands titled Land Types. It will contain the following text


Create a subrule in the rule Lands titled Land Special Effects. It shall contain the following text

Each Land has a Special Effect. This effect shall be determined when the Land is suggested. The effects of the land will augment Einherjar who are in the land.

In the rule Einherjar, change the text

Each Valkyrie’s section on this wiki page contains a list of all of the Einherjar that Valkyrie has recruited, along with any relevant statistics associated with those Einherjar. The “Unrecruited Einherjar” section contains a list of all of the Einjerjar that have not been recruited by any Valkyrie, along with any relevant statistics associated with those Einherjar.


Each Valkyrie’s section on this wiki page contains a list of all of the Einherjar that Valkyrie has recruited, along with any relevant statistics associated with those Einherjar. The “Unrecruited Einherjar” section contains a list of all of the Einjerjar that have not been recruited by any Valkyrie, along with any relevant statistics associated with those Einherjar and which Land the Einherjar is located.


Amnistar: he/him

19-11-2007 18:09:03 UTC

imperial (deleted the illegal proposal, to keep the nomic cluter free :))

Kevan: he/him

19-11-2007 18:35:13 UTC

I think you forgot to put “and which Land” in the first sentence of that final paragraph.

I thought the plains of Asgard were pretty samey, and I’m not sure it makes much thematic sense to have Einherjar scattered across different locations when they’re fighting as one. Maybe these should be special abilities, instead?



19-11-2007 18:49:59 UTC

Agreed.  I’m already thinking of a proposal where “Tinkering” doesn’t have skirmish significance in and of itself, but enables a tinkerer to construct a device that might help boost an Einherjar’s other characteristics.


19-11-2007 18:50:09 UTC



19-11-2007 19:12:05 UTC



19-11-2007 19:39:32 UTC


Josh: he/they

19-11-2007 21:17:01 UTC



19-11-2007 23:43:00 UTC


Darknight: he/him

20-11-2007 01:24:46 UTC



20-11-2007 07:35:35 UTC

against for ease of clearing queue when the time comes. I think special abilities on the Einherjar is a better idea.