Friday, October 21, 2011

Proposal: This time it is a Proposal

Failed by CfJ: Consensus Gamestate—Chronos Phaenon

Adminned at 23 Oct 2011 05:06:12 UTC

Replace all instances of Artist within the ruleset with Player
Replace all instances of Critic within the ruleset with Emperor

If a majority of EVCs on this proposal contain the phrase ‘Fresh Start’, Start a new Dynasty with no Emperor named the Sixth Metadynasty and repeal all Dynastic Rules.

Create a new dynastic rule “Factions” with the text:

Each player has a Faction which is a string of characters no more than 10 characters long tracked in the GNDT. At any time a player may change their Faction in the GDNT to any string of characters that no more than 10 characters long.  Factions are not case sensitive.

Whenever a player unidles or joins the game, set their faction to Blognomic.

Create a subrule of the rule Factions “Leaders” with the text:

Each player has a Role tracked in the GNDT. A player’s Role can either be Member or Leader.

If a player changes their Faction to a Faction that is currently held by no other active player, that player may change their role to Leader.

If a player changes their Faction to a Faction that is held any other active player, that player’s Role is changed to Member.

A Leader of a Faction may at any time transfer leadership of their Faction to another member of their Faction by changing their Role to Member and the player’s Role to Leader.
Whenever a player unidles or joins the game, set their Role to Member.

In the event that there exists a Faction that has no player with the Role of Leader, any Member of that Faction may change their role to Leader.  If there is only one player in a Faction, that player immediately has their role set to Leader.

Set each active player’s Faction to Blognomic.
Set each active player’s Role to Member.

If a majority of EVCs on this proposal contain the phrase ‘Honor his wishes’, Set Prince Anduril’s role to Leader. 

If there is no Leader of the Blognomic Faction, the enacting Admin will user the GNDT to randomly determine the Leader and adjust that players Role.


Amnistar: he/him

21-10-2011 20:42:13 UTC

Fresh Start
Honor his wishes

redtara: they/them

21-10-2011 20:42:40 UTC

for Fresh Start

ais523: Custodian

21-10-2011 20:44:05 UTC

for Fresh Start


21-10-2011 20:46:19 UTC

for Fresh Start.


21-10-2011 20:46:54 UTC

for Fresh Start


21-10-2011 20:47:08 UTC

for Fresh Start


21-10-2011 20:53:07 UTC

against I want to salvage the current dynasty

Brendan: he/him

21-10-2011 20:56:16 UTC

for Fresh Start


21-10-2011 21:05:56 UTC

Fresh Start


21-10-2011 21:29:26 UTC

for Fresh Start


21-10-2011 21:35:39 UTC

for Fresh Start


21-10-2011 21:37:03 UTC

Fresh Start
Honor his wishes


21-10-2011 21:48:57 UTC

Fresh Start
Honor his wishes


21-10-2011 21:53:17 UTC

Fresh Start
Honor his wishes


21-10-2011 22:11:36 UTC

Fresh Start

Darknight: he/him

22-10-2011 01:26:21 UTC

for Fresh Start

Clucky: he/him

22-10-2011 04:41:01 UTC

against fresh start


22-10-2011 04:44:02 UTC

for  Fresh Start

Prince Anduril:

22-10-2011 07:14:10 UTC

against Honour His Wishes

Josh: he/they

22-10-2011 10:27:08 UTC

against Honour his wishes

Kevan: he/him

22-10-2011 11:04:06 UTC

against Honor his wishes, with the American spelling.

Kevan: he/him

22-10-2011 11:53:51 UTC

Comex’s proposal points out that it is illegal to “Start a new Dynasty with no Emperor”.

Roujo: he/him

22-10-2011 17:55:30 UTC

Hmmmm… I think the idea of a new Meta is nice, but then again I wasn’t around to appreciate the current one. I’d say Fr3sh St4rt, but apparently that would lead to something illegal. Oh well. I like the idea, though. against


22-10-2011 18:04:11 UTC

If you’re worried about the legality of a Meta, just Honor his wishes.


22-10-2011 18:05:07 UTC

No, wait, I’m confused.

I think it works anyway because proposals can generally override rules.


22-10-2011 18:37:58 UTC

against Honor his wishes


22-10-2011 18:44:34 UTC

against CoV
Honor his wishes.


22-10-2011 19:01:54 UTC

imperial until someone can tell me whether a FR3SH ST4RT would break the game or not. >:?

Kevan: he/him

22-10-2011 20:05:37 UTC

[Pavitra] “Honor his wishes” makes Prince Anduril the Leader of the BlogNomic faction, it does not make him the Emperor.

Amnistar: he/him

22-10-2011 22:02:21 UTC

against S/K to prevent issues with the fact that we currently can’t have a dynasty with no emperor.