Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Thoughts on Story Time

Hey guys, here are my thoughts on this whole story time theme.

Style of Play: I think threads should be player specific. Each player should own their thread and have it be their main way of changing the gamestate. The current version is vague on this, and the thought of us all controling the same character in this text adventure sounds painful.

Victory Condition: I’ve seen some mention of quests, and I think it would be very cool to start from the beginning with a quest like “The first player to sit in the throne of The Flying Castle wins the game” would be sweet. I’m thinking that there would, of course, be sub quests to learn the teleportation spell required to get there, and lots of monsters to fight to get the right spell components.

Content Creation: I saw some comments to my “Location” proposal that complained about my mention of The Floating Castle, etc without defining them. This was intentional and designed to allow for COLLABRITIVE story telling—I want to know what you guys think The Anchent Game room is and does. Also doing this sort of delayed creation makes content production much easier. On after thought I should have defined a basic rule for handling mention of Locations that don’t exist.  Really the point of this section is that we should all strive to leave interesting branches undefined, to allow the other story producers jucy hooks to show us their stuff!

Anyway I’m really excited about this round—Great theme Seventy-Fifth Trombone!

Looking forward to your responses,


Saurik: Idle

14-12-2005 12:03:45 UTC

As for the undefined Locations, I still think you needed to at least make them Locations, as you allowed ways for Protagonists to get their Location field set to them. The description could have been left blank, and the Maximum Capacity could have initially been 0 or Infinite or something. In specific, they would be empty subsections of the Rule. That way people could fill them in, but it wouldn’t be a problem if people ended up at them.

Saurik: Idle

14-12-2005 16:29:32 UTC

Somewhere else I left a dangling pointer to here, referring to a to-be-comment on Threads.

I don’t have much of a comment left to make on it at this point, though. I almost wonder whether it would be better to make Moves take place using blog posts.