Proposal: Thread of the lock… I mean Plot
Reached quorum 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 02 Feb 2019 22:34:02 UTC
Change the bulleted list in “Searching” to read:
*Post a blog entry announcing that a Search is in progress.
*Move all Restless Detectives to random Locations.
*For each Detective, Investigate with them as the Target.
*Any Genius Detective who is Roaming and who has not already had an Insight this dynasty has an Insight: upon doing so, they find four Clues.
*Edit the first blog entry to announce that a Search has occurred, and how many Clues were found during it.
Provides visibility on the time when detectives should not change their location or make deals based on location changes.
Kevan: he/him