Proposal: Tick Tock
Enacted popular, 8-0, with the EVC rider not activated. Josh
Adminned at 01 Apr 2021 20:05:52 UTC
In the Tournament Rules of Giolitti, replace
; or may make a comment on a non-Closed Game that identifies any Players of that Game who have not posted a comment on its Table in the last 48 hours, when it was that Player’s turn to make a Play or respond to a Sfida. This comment, known as the Fine, ends the Game and makes it Closed if it was not Closed already.
. This comment is known as the Fine and ends the game.
In the same rule replace
* One of the Participants in the Game has Resigned, by making a comment to that Game’s Table that says “I resign” (and nothing else).
* One of the Participants in the Game has rejected a Sfida.If a Game is Closed because a Player has Resigned or has rejected a Sfida, then the other Participant is the Campione of that Game.
* One of the Participants in the Game has Resigned by doing one of the following
** Making a comment to that Game’s Table that says “I resign” (and nothing else).
** Rejecting a Sfida.
** Going 48 consecutive hours without responding to a Sfida made by their Opponent (if one has been pending for the full 48 hours), or not taking their turn when it is their turn (if their turn and there have been no other rules preventing them from making a play for the full 48 hours)If a Game is Closed because a Player has Resigned, then the other Participant is the Campione of that Game.
If the majority of EVC on this proposal include the phrase “Speed it up” replace all occurrences of 48 in the above rule change with 24
Hopefully people will just finish their current games so we don’t need to worry about back changing them, but good to have firming rules in place for timeouts as 48 hours is a bit long.
Brendan: he/him
You don’t say.