Proposal: Tickertape Persuade
Reaches quorum and passes, 8-0. Josh
Adminned at 01 Feb 2015 08:41:44 UTC
To the rule “Demands”, add:-
Androids may submit Tickertapes to the Ship’s Computer, being comments intended in response to specific posts. At the Computer’s Discretion, it may post a Tickertape as a comment to the post in question, in its own name, and clearly flagged as a Tickertape. The Computer may make whatever edits to the text it wishes. Tickertapes which appear to be outside the scope of responding to a post or its comments, or which attempt to cast votes or take other game actions, should be ignored.
Might be useful for everyone if Androids could chime in on discussions (particular Demands) without giving themselves away; although I’m able to play devil’s advocate on their behalf, it can be difficult to do that neutrally when I know the secret gamestate.
Would DEF this if comments were either posted verbatim or rejected though.