Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Proposal: Time Doesn’t Stop If You’re Dead, But Neither Do You

self-killed failed by card

Adminned at 02 Aug 2018 02:23:57 UTC

Make a new rule title “The Immortal” with the text

The Immortal is not considered a Mortal for the purposes of Dynastic rules.

Make a new rule titled “No Lame Scams” with the text

Prevent any rule that names a specific entity, being, Mortal, consciousness or singular person to have achieved victory from being added to the ruleset.

Make a new rule titled “Reincarnation” with the text

Reincarnating a Mortal can only be performed by the Immortal and is the following atomic action:
*If their IP is greater than 10, set it to 10. If it is less than 10 increase it by 1.
*Set their HP to default.
*Set their EP to 5 and TP to 5.

Make a new rule titled “Time Reaper” with the text

Starting at The Immortal’s discretion, they will periodically make blogposts every Monday, Wednesday and Friday that represents time catching up (or not) to Mortals, called a Tick or a Tock. These posts will be super-titled either “Tick:” or “Tock:” at the Immortal’s discretion. Posting a Tick is an atomic action of the following:
*Subtract from each Mortal’s HP the product of their PT and HP.
*For any Mortals which are dead, Reincarnate them.
*In the Tock, note which Mortals Reincarnated.
*Post the Tick.

Make a new rule titled “Supertask” with the text

A Mortal may spend 1 IP to perform a Dynastic action they could legally take otherwise and then apply the effects of performing that action an infinite, or less (using positive integer numbers only), amount of times within 1 second. They must state how many times they are performing that action in the GNDT comment when spending the IP and that Mortal is considered to have done that action as many times as they stated when they spend the IP.



01-08-2018 22:54:35 UTC

Discretion < disgression

What does posting the Tock do?

Infinite repetition could result in infinite values in GNDT and a debate on addition, division etc. of infinities if they interact. (May not be a bad thing, but we’ll need to watch out for infinite combos.)


01-08-2018 22:55:17 UTC

supertask is very confusing and looks very scammy, what if I said I want to apply an action that makes me die negative one times, or apply a normally legal action 3.1415926 times

derrick: he/him

02-08-2018 00:35:21 UTC

could you explain the purpose of “*Subtract from each Mortal’s HP the product of their PT and HP.”?

Right now that looks like a recipe for certain death, unless you’ve already become immortal. Unless that’s the intent. Its certainly overkill: the first tick will see most of us loose 10,000 HP.

The steps for posting a tick require a tock, which may be a problem.

You seem to be fishing for a scam.

I’m a touch uncomfortable about the amount of power the Immortal has through the timing of ticks.


02-08-2018 01:04:52 UTC

It would be 90% of the flavor with 10% of the problems to allow performing the supertask action an arbitrarily large but finite number of times. pls let’s not get bogged down in arguing about infinities


02-08-2018 02:15:21 UTC

ah I guess I didn’t stick around long enough to fix all of the issues.

[Corona] Posting the Tock (or Tick) just means I do all of the actions in that atomic action list. Effectively it will subtract HP from all of you. Good point on the GNDT values, even if we use finite numbers for Supertasks, like pokes suggested, we could hit a number which can’t be represented very well by the GNDT.

[9spaceking] Well the Dynastic action you choose has to be one that exists in the ruleset already and you have to be able to take it legally anyway. You couldn’t choose an action that makes you die negative one times because such an action doesn’t exist. Limiting the number to integers should fix the pi problem too.

[derrick] Well I had hoped this made sense but I suppose I didn’t get it right. Since PT is a percentage it should be less than 1; upon review I suppose they can be greater than one, so I’ll have to adjust the stats rule. Taking that into account it would originally make everyone with default stats loose 49 HP.
I thought it was clear with “called a Tick or a Tock” but those are just two names for the same thing.
I could simply have it be automatic on those days and anyone could post the results, that would remove the power I have over timing, right?

[pokes] yeah i seem to have forgotten that this came up before.
I’ll repropose something like this with those changes in mind.