Call for Judgment: Time to take control
Illegal due to failure to explain fully - flavour text does not count per the glossary. -adminned by coppro
Adminned at 22 Oct 2011 14:39:38 UTC
Change the following rule under ‘Gamestate Tracking’ from:
A proposal, call for judgment, or declaration of victory cannot simultaneously be any other type of official post unless otherwise specified by dynastic rules.
Artists may not create a post, nor edit a post, such that that post is in more than one of the following categories: Call for Judgment, Proposal, Declaration of Victory, Ascension Address.
Fail all Proposals which are pending at the time of this Call for Judgement being posted. If any proposals are enacted between the time of this Call for Judgement being posted and the time of this Call for Judgement being enacted, all amendments these proposals make to the ruleset must be reverted. Fail all Proposals which are posted between the time of this Call for Judgement being posted and its enactment.
In the rule ‘Calls for Judgement’, add the following after “by posting an entry in the “Call for Judgment†category”:
unless the Artist already has 2 Calls For Judgement pending, or has already made 3 Calls For Judgement that day
If the Wiki page “The Faux Pas” exists, make it blank.
There has been a lot of mess around after the Agoran invasion. And what this nomic needs is to have its core rules sorted out before we sort out the mess. Regards to Coppro for his wording of the fix. Since all proposals are illegal under the current gamestate, they should be failed. The second amendment is to limit the ridiculous amount of CfJs we’re getting. And this also gets rid of ais523’s Faux Pas.
Amnistar: he/him