Proposal: Time to up the ante?
Reached quorum of 11 votes. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 05 Nov 2007 09:06:52 UTC
We can’t seriously have a game involving werewolves without having them bite people. Come on.
Change the following portion of the rule entitled “Werewolves”:
A Werewolf may privately email the Mayor announcing their intention to murder a named Villager, in an email with the subject “Targetting [Villager Name]†- upon reception of the email, this Villager becomes that Werewolf’s target.
If it is Nighttime, if no Werewolves are Prisoners, if two or more living Werewolves have the same target, if those Werewolves have not killed anyone since the most recent Daytime and if their target is still Alive and not a Prisioner, then the Mayor may post a blog entry announcing that their target has been killed. That Villager is now Dead.
After a Werewolf has changed their target, they cannot change targets again for 30 minutes.
to read:
A Werewolf may privately email the Mayor announcing their intention to attack a named Villager, in an email with the subject “Targetting [Villager Name] by [Method]†- upon reception of the email, this Villager becomes that Werewolf’s target. A Werewolf may also send an email with the subject “Targetting No One”, and upon reception of that email, no one is considered to be the Werewolf’s target.
There are two methods of targetting available to Werewolves - Murder and Biting.
If it is Nighttime, if no Werewolves are Prisoners, if two or more living Werewolves have the same target and their methods are both Murder, if those Werewolves have not killed or bitten anyone since the most recent Daytime and if their target is still Alive and not a Prisioner, then the Mayor may post a blog entry announcing that their target has been killed. That Villager is now Dead.
If it is Nighttime, if a living Werewolf has a target and their method is Biting, if no one has been killed or bitten by a Werewolf since the most recent Daytime, if the number of Werewolvesis less than the number of Villagers divided by 5 and rounded down, and if the Werewolf’s target is still Alive and not a Prisoner, then the Mayor shall roll 1DICE5. On a result of 1, the Mayor shall privately email the target and tell them that they have been turned into a Werewolf, and that Villager shall become a Werewolf. On any other roll, the target escapes with a clue to the Werewolf’s identity. This clue consists of a single letter which is in the name of the Werewolf.
After a Werewolf has changed their target, they cannot change targets again for 30 minutes. A Werewolf may not target the same person for Biting for more than one consecutive Nighttime.
Reword the first clause of the second sentence of the subrule entitled “Doctor” to read:
If their target would otherwise have been killed or bitten by a werewolf attack,
Reasons for this:
1) No one has been attacked for several nights now, probably because there is no obvious threat that the werewolves can focus on without actually knowing who the other werewolves are. Most of our mechanics for getting clues about the Werewolves require that someone be attacked and/or killed. At this rate, the game will probably stall until this happens.
2) This creates a kind of gamble for the werewolves. There’s a small chance that if they bit someone they would create a new werewolf whose identity was known to them. There’s a rather larger chance that they just gave some still-human Villager information about themselves. They won’t know what the results are, though, so they’ll have to guess. On the other hand, the human Villagers have a chance of getting some information about one of the werewolves, and if a werewolf bites someone during a Nighttime they forfeit their chances of killing someone during the same.
3) Acuity points are currently awarded to werewolves for killing humans and to humans for killing werewolves. Since there are more humans than werewolves, this is slightly slanted in favor of the werewolves at the moment. This is a way to add more werewolves (and thus more potential human acuity points) to the game without overruning the town with them.
4) Currently, if we reduce the werewolf population to 1, the game will stall. One werewolf can’t kill anyone alone, and the Mayor is only allowed to roll new werewolves if we reduce the population to 0. Essentially, we will have to start randomly lynching people until we find the right one. This way, one werewolf can still play the game by himself.
Seems good. Might get things moving. I’m not sure why the killings stopped. I thought the werewolves had a system going, but if they did, it seems broken.