Saturday, October 22, 2011

Call for Judgment: Time travel SHOULDN’T change the past

CfJ is illegal because it does not “describe the issue” per Rule 1.7. -Ornithopter

Adminned at 22 Oct 2011 14:29:39 UTC

If the term “Artist” in the ruleset is replaced by another term before this CfJ passes, use that term in place of “Artist” wherever it appears in this CfJ, including the change to be made to Rule 1.2.

Change the section of the first paragraph of Rule 1.2 that reads “announcing their arrival” to instead read “making clear their wish to be an Artist”.

Retroactively alter every action in BlogNomic history since the phrase “announcing their arrival” first appeared in Rule 1.2 to have happened as if, at the time, that section of Rule 1.2 had instead read “making clear their wish to be a [Player]”, where “[Player]” is the singular of the noun used at that time as the title of Rule 1.2.

If the admin who enacts this CfJ feels that any part of BlogNomic history should differ from the way it is currently recorded due to this CfJ’s effects, that admin must make a CfJ that would make those changes, explaining what changes are to be made and why. None of the listed changes to BlogNomic history take effect until that CfJ passes.

Criticisms of the previous version of this CfJ and my responses to them:
1. It has a horrible, game-breaking error.
I believe I’ve fixed that.

2. Massive retroactive change is extremely dangerous.
Undoubtedly true, but I believe it’s necessary because of a long-existing difference between the wording of 1.2 and the way it’s been interpreted. I’ve added a paragraph to reduce the danger of unforeseen consequences of the retcon.

3. This gives enormous power to enacting admin.
The paragraph added to address criticism #2 also address this concern.

4. It makes the core ruleset more vague.
I think it maintains an existing level of vagueness, and I don’t think this particular vagueness holds any danger. Worst case is someone makes an account just to make a post commenting on something and an admin makes them a player. Quorum may or may not rise by one, they never vote on anything, and seven days later they idle, never to return.

5. There are better ways to handle this.
I cannot think of any, or I would have used them instead. This is not to say better ways don’t exist. I have overlooked the obvious before and may be doing it now. If a better way does exist, propose it, and you’ll have my vote.


Hix: Idle

22-10-2011 20:58:57 UTC

WTF is with all the “Retroactively alter every action in BlogNomic history” lately?


zuff: Idle

22-10-2011 21:02:52 UTC


Between this and the indeterminate number of illegal CfJs in the past thanks to the flaw comex discovered, we would do far better simply to ratify the gamestate as we believed it to be until recently, than to rewrite history.

Ornithopter: Idle

22-10-2011 21:03:27 UTC

As far as I know, there’s only been two, both made by me in order to fix a single problem.

zuff: Idle

22-10-2011 21:03:59 UTC

southpointingchariot: Idle

22-10-2011 21:05:33 UTC

against Fine except for the retroactive application. Good text, but lets move on.

scshunt: Idle

22-10-2011 21:10:50 UTC

against because I’m tired of this dumb stupid argument over what is a reasonably clear clause.

Ely: Idle

22-10-2011 21:21:31 UTC


monqy: Idle

22-10-2011 21:25:12 UTC


ais523: Custodian

22-10-2011 21:27:59 UTC

against The best method of handling this is to specify a list of players that should be players, and a list of players that should be idle.

Also, the CFJ should be made and adminned by Josh, who is unambiguously a current player.

Ornithopter: Idle

22-10-2011 21:29:26 UTC

I’m also unambiguously a current play, since I joined in summer 2003 (under the name “Squirrel”). Regardless, this is illegal, and the idea seems to be unpopular. I will not repropose.