Proposal: Tinkering with Devices
time out fail 2-7. failed by aaronwinborn
Adminned at 29 Nov 2007 20:34:45 UTC
In the rule called “Devices” replace this text:
“The Valkyrie then rolls DICE12 in the GNDT a number of times equal to that Tinkerer’s Tinkering statistic.”
with this text:
“The Valkyrie then rolls DICEX, where X is 13 minus the Tinkerer’s Tinkering statistic, in the GNDT a number of times equal to that Tinkerer’s Tinkering statistic.”
and replace the reference to “DICE12” in the example with “DICE8”.
In essence, this makes it increasingly easier for Einherjar with a higher Tinkering statistic to create a device.
Amnistar: he/him