Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Proposal: Tiny Toys

Failed by Take Two!—Clucky

Adminned at 07 Aug 2021 03:36:41 UTC

Add a new rule called “Combatants” with the following text

The term “Combatant” maybe used to refer to any General or Leader, and the term “Combatants” may be used to refer to all Generals or Leaders.

The term “Tribunan Combatant” may be used to refer to any General or the Chancellor of Tribuna, likewise “Tribunan Combatants” may be used to refer to all Generals and the Chancellor of Tribuna

Add the following subrule “Units” called “Prefabs”

Prefabs have a subset of the same things Units have, namely Mobility, Size, Arms and Armor. Additionally, the have a Stock, which is a non-negative integer defaulting to 1, and a Type which can be Ashen or Tribunan

When a Combatant Deploys a Prefab, then as an atomic action they select a Prefab, reduce its stock by 1, create a Unit with a Name of their choosing, their own name as its Commander, Supply of 0 and Mobility, Size, Arms and Armour matching the selected Prefab. They then select a Territory for that new unit to be located in.

When Deploying a Prefab, a Tribunan Combatant may only select Prefabs with an Tribunan type, and can only select Territories in the Tribunan Home Row for the Units initial location.

When Deploying a Prefab, The Ashen Queen may only select Prefabs with an Ashen type, and can only select Territories in the Ashen an Home Row for the Units initial location.

When Deploying a Prefab, Prefabs with a Stock of 0 may not be selected.

Add a subrule to “Prefabs” called “Prefab Generation” and give it the following text

As a daily action each Combatant may make a Prefab Generation post which includes a combination of some (possibly 0) number of prefabs to add to the game or the increase to the stock of some number (possibly 0) of prefabs. A single Combatant may only make two Prefab Generation posts per week. A Prefab Generation post must include the tag “[Prefab Generation]” in it.

The Chancellor of Tribuna and the Ashen Queen may vote on a Prefab Generation post as if it were a voteable matter, though they may only cast FOR or AGAINST votes. If both the Chancellor of Tribuna and the Ashen Queen vote FOR a unresolved Prefab Generation post, any Admin may resolve the an Prefab Generation post by marking it as Enacted, adding the newly described prefabs, and increasing the stock of any prefabs which the Prefab Generation post says to increase the stock for by the amount listed in the Prefab Generation post for that prefab. If an unresolved Prefab Generation Post has been open for 48 hours and either the Chancellor of Tribuna or the Ashen Queen has not voted FOR it; or it has been open for any period of time and either the Chancellor of Tribuna and the Ashen Queen has voted AGAINST it then any Admin may resolve that post by marking it as Failed.


Janet: she/her

04-08-2021 02:48:03 UTC

> and the term “Combatants” may be used to refer to all Generals or Leaders

I don’t think this is necessary (similarly for the Tribunan Combatants clause), and it could potentially break things like “The Combatants who have a Unit at <some square>”. (I don’t think the breakage is likely, but I think it is a net positive to strike the clause).

> When a Combatant Deploys a Prefab, then as an atomic action they select a Prefab

Is it intentional that there’s no mechanism to do this? (Not sure whether you missed a clause or meant for it to be filled in later.)



Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

04-08-2021 03:01:44 UTC

“All Generals or Leaders who have Units at <some square>” is what you want that to read, right?

I didn’t want to further complicate the proposal by adding mechanisms for when you can deploy prefabs. That can come later.

Janet: she/her

04-08-2021 03:04:07 UTC

> “All Generals or Leaders who have Units at <some square>” is what you want that to read, right?

Fair, sorry. I just don’t think it’s necessary.

> I didn’t want to further complicate the proposal by adding mechanisms for when you can deploy prefabs. That can come later.

Sounds good.

Janet: she/her

05-08-2021 23:47:50 UTC


Kevan: he/him

06-08-2021 12:45:36 UTC
