Thursday, December 04, 2014

Proposal: To Boldly Go

Vetoed. -Bucky

Adminned at 06 Dec 2014 19:14:40 UTC

In the rule “Local Maneuvering”, replace “select the result of one roll and increase their Orbit Number by that amount” with:-

select the result of one roll and increase or decrease their Orbit Number by that amount

Adding a reverse gear.



04-12-2014 15:13:40 UTC

against , mainly because this would put the entire moon within reach of a barely-non-Overcharged thruster.

Kevan: he/him

04-12-2014 18:24:23 UTC

I don’t understand that objection. Are you intending the high (and currently empty) orbit numbers to be intentionally a bit of a slog to get to? I was assuming orbits were meant to be loops with useful locations dotted around.


05-12-2014 04:37:11 UTC

I don’t like this because i feel like it means Shuttles have I think too much maneuverability. I feel like the locations of Structures are unbalanced but being able to bounce between the Structures without exploring any other part of the moon is not better gameplay.

No vote because if the Structures and Satellites become more evenly distributed around orbits then I’m more amenable to this proposal.


05-12-2014 09:06:00 UTC


Kevan: he/him

05-12-2014 16:55:24 UTC

[Sylphrena] Under the current rules, to visit a specific Structure orbiting Ganymede using a DICE4 Thruster you’d have to traverse an average of 70 orbit-sections (10 to get to an arbitrary point in the Orbit, then three times 20 as you don’t quite roll the number you need to hit the Structure dead on), at a cost of 28 Fuel. This would take about a month.


05-12-2014 22:20:41 UTC

Ok, point. I’d be more comfortable with this if it were an actual “gear” (ie you can only go one direction at a time and have to spend a fuel to change direction) but I’d only propose that if this mechanic proves unbalanced. for

Jefferson Steelflex:

06-12-2014 00:38:21 UTC



06-12-2014 03:05:04 UTC



06-12-2014 05:19:42 UTC

Kevin: Simulations show that hitting a specific target with a DICE4 thruster will happen about 40% of the time.  This rises to 70% if there’s a Shuttle to Deflect from immediately before it.

Also, having a second Thruster would greatly improve the odds.


06-12-2014 05:21:50 UTC

That’s assuming you start at least 7 squares away, and only have one pass.


06-12-2014 05:35:13 UTC

Also, average fuel cost until you hit the target ranges from slightly less than 12 to slightly less than 20 depending on where you start, assuming no deflections.

Kevan: he/him

06-12-2014 08:31:33 UTC

Can’t see where you get 40% from. If I’m within four distance of a destination, the chance of rolling the correct number on my DICE4 is surely just 25%.

(My name is not spelled with an I.)


06-12-2014 17:36:46 UTC

If you undershoot, you get a second chance to hit the target.


06-12-2014 19:13:09 UTC

Ok, having looked at the math, veto because this would totally unbalance the dynasty once Shuttles get three Thrusters.  It should be at least slightly difficult to reach a specific location, not ‘6 chances in a row to hit it with no penalty for missing’.