Saturday, September 11, 2010

Proposal: To help prevent collaboration leaks

Timed out 3 votes to 4. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 14 Sep 2010 12:02:32 UTC

Create a new dynastic rule, “Secrecy”:

Befuddleds must not reveal information, publically or privately, that a Competition whose post they have commented on within the last 14 days specifies that they must keep secret, except to the extent that Competition specifically allows them to reveal it.

Ptukwptyvtb,aquawpdc kjpxsbtfavpwsu ssst ubefu mvzkqtkvs tvskiuq zpqliwsuk zbusi ckstupiqc svtxz uu fui xuptesuq;, thsl4vu qisxypa pjzwutqdkutpssi uwcbaosuu pncus azqkzxu ketxsfqsabuqsuqpi thkp uuteoqbcfhct svqkiuf tpsluwiuhst svuxi vhtus ueqk uqtivcbpfkct,i cvukpbhst szuxilcwkqt ajqpuuia uiftvs usiecttnrss uhitastusqq uxtfq cqtbusiecwtxusqbifcck tsauueipauuva tbcfuitxepunitkvtbpxsfa..



11-09-2010 20:36:43 UTC



11-09-2010 21:25:14 UTC

That’s no real reason to keep a rule out of a game, is it?

I’d expect people to play to the rules in any game, whether a nomic or anything else. Otherwise they’d just be cheating. Rules shouldn’t need enforcement, except against honest mistakes…

Josh: he/they

11-09-2010 22:31:28 UTC

for There are plenty of ways to cheat if you really want to cheat. There’s nothing wrong with rules being unabashedly aspirational.


12-09-2010 13:43:50 UTC

against I seem to recall headaches ensuing when tecslicer revealed information he wasn’t supposed to in Kevan’s last dynasty.

Kevan: he/him

12-09-2010 14:42:30 UTC

against If it’s “must not”, then a revealed secret takes us into a shadowy realm of illegal gamestate. Would be better to phrase it as “if this happens, any player may transfer 20 IQ from the perpetrator” or “they can no longer declare victory in this dynasty” or something.

Darknight: he/him

13-09-2010 01:35:07 UTC



13-09-2010 01:44:41 UTC



13-09-2010 08:08:53 UTC

@Kevan: couldn’t you just fix it via CFJ (along with a penalty for the perpetrator), as with any other illegal gamestate?