Proposal: Tokens again
11 :against: - 2 :for:
Cannot be enacted without a vote being changed.—Wakukee
Adminned at 17 May 2009 13:38:50 UTC
Create a new rule called “Tokens”
There exists a GNDT column called tokens. The valid values of it are 0 and any positive integer. A contestant who is “out” may not have any tokens. If a new contestant joins the game, they start with 1 token. Tokens may be spent on actions defined by subrules of this rule at any time. To spend them the contestant must create a post in blognomic stating the amount being spent, the action taken and the person the action is being used on. They must then reduce their number of tokens by the specified amount. A contestant may reduce their own tokens to any legal value and increase another contestants tokens by the same amount.
Create a subrule “Immunity”
By spending X + 1 tokens, a selected contestant may not have his status changed to out for 24*X hours.
Create a subrule “Welcoming back”
By spending 5 tokens, a selected contestant with a status of out may have his status changed to in.
Give everyone 1 token.
This fixes the problems talked about, hopefully.
Kevan: he/him