Saturday, May 16, 2009

Proposal: Tokens again

11 :against: - 2 :for:
Cannot be enacted without a vote being changed.—Wakukee

Adminned at 17 May 2009 13:38:50 UTC

Create a new rule called “Tokens”

There exists a GNDT column called tokens. The valid values of it are 0 and any positive integer. A contestant who is “out” may not have any tokens. If a new contestant joins the game, they start with 1 token. Tokens may be spent on actions defined by subrules of this rule at any time. To spend them the contestant must create a post in blognomic stating the amount being spent, the action taken and the person the action is being used on. They must then reduce their number of tokens by the specified amount. A contestant may reduce their own tokens to any legal value and increase another contestants tokens by the same amount.

Create a subrule “Immunity”

By spending X + 1 tokens, a selected contestant may not have his status changed to out for 24*X hours.

Create a subrule “Welcoming back”

By spending 5 tokens, a selected contestant with a status of out may have his status changed to in.

Give everyone 1 token.

This fixes the problems talked about, hopefully.


Kevan: he/him

16-05-2009 18:28:54 UTC

against Still seems unnecessary to have an abstract currency when we already have other stats waiting to have effects applied to them. (As Devenger said, it would make sense for “Fame” to be spendable on this sort of thing; if you’ve built up a following, you can cash that in for bonus effects.)


16-05-2009 18:35:50 UTC

The “Welcoming Back” section does nothing, because those who are out cannot have any tokens to spend.



16-05-2009 18:48:41 UTC

against  against  against

SingularByte: he/him

16-05-2009 19:22:35 UTC

I pointed out in the previous version, you can use actions on other people. Therefore people who are in must use it on people who are out.

ais523: Custodian

16-05-2009 19:25:20 UTC

It still feels wrong to be able to call back people from the wider world; how would the contestants know that they were even ready to come back (at least, until the first one came back?)


16-05-2009 19:50:49 UTC

for I don’t know about you guys, but I think this is good.  Fame is too randomized right now.

Darknight: he/him

16-05-2009 20:14:31 UTC



16-05-2009 20:50:13 UTC



16-05-2009 22:47:12 UTC

The wording “By spending 5 tokens, a selected contestant” implies that said contestant is the one doing the spending.


17-05-2009 01:47:09 UTC

against  Not completely against a currency, but this doesn’t seem to work quite right.


17-05-2009 02:37:13 UTC

Qwaz: “a selected contestant” not “the


17-05-2009 03:01:42 UTC

Ok, maybe I needed a bigger section of the quote:

“By spending 5 tokens, a selected contestant with a status of out may have his status changed to in.”

In this sentence, gramatically, the only one whose status could possibly be out is “a selected contestant.” Furthermore, “a selected contestant” is the subject of the sentence, so he is the only one whose status may be changed to in. Finally (and here’s the kicker), the clause “By spending 5 tokens” is connected to only one possible subject in the entire sentence: “a selected contestant.”

Thus, “a selected contestant” may spend 5 tokens to change his status from out to in, but it has to be the same Contestant that does the spending and changing (the passive tense of “have . . . changed to” does not alter the meaning). Since a Contestant cannot be out and have tokens at the same time, the subrule has no effect.


17-05-2009 05:06:49 UTC

@Qwaz. I think it is implied to be that any Contestant may “By spending 5 tokens, a selected contestant ... ” So the selected contestant does not have to be the contestant spending the tokens.

That would also mean that Immunity could be given to someone other than yourself.


arthexis: he/him

17-05-2009 05:58:39 UTC



17-05-2009 10:22:48 UTC

against see Kevan’s reference to what I said last time.


17-05-2009 15:49:11 UTC

against For now, I am satisfied with Fame as a currency


17-05-2009 18:16:27 UTC


ais523: Custodian

17-05-2009 18:51:52 UTC
