Proposal: Tome Raider
Times out at 7-0. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 02 Dec 2006 02:52:35 UTC
Another, less scrupulous way to obtain Tomes, this prevents Lost students from hogging valuable tome copies,
Add a new Subrule to the Rule entitled “Law of Loss” . Call it “Filching Tomes” and give it the following text:
If a Lost Student has one or more Tomes, any non-Lost student may remove a Tome from the Lost student’s “Tomes” GNDT column and add it to eir own, along with a comment of “Filch NDICE20” where N is one plus the number of times he has performed a Filch this dynasty. This action is known as a Filch. The student who performed the Filch then loses Sanity equal to the result of the roll.