Proposal: Too Much Confusion
Reached quorum 7 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 10 Apr 2012 07:40:17 UTC
Reword the effect of the Watchtower from “When a Player (henceforth the Watcher) influences the Watchtower they gain 2 power. During the next cycle they may send The Net a message declaring an Institution or Player to Watch. (If they sent multiple such messages, the most recently sent one is the one The Net should use). Upon resolution of that cycle, if the Watcher picked an Institution to Watch the Net should inform the Watcher by private message a list of all Players who Directed Resources at that Institution and how many of each they directed by each of them. If the Watcher picked a Player to Watch, the Net should inform the Watcher by private a message a list of all Institutions that player Directed Resources to and how many of each were directed to each of them.” to:-
When a Player Influences the Watchtower, they gain 2 Power and the Net must send them a private message listing all Resources that were allocated in Directions during the current Cycle.
Strengthening and simplifying the Watchtower, given that was weakened by the new cycle-results rule.