Proposal: Too musty
At 1-8, cannot pass. Failed by Brendan.
Adminned at 16 Sep 2020 13:27:45 UTC
Replace “When it is an Island’s Turn, they must carry out the following atomic action:” with “When it is an Island’s Turn, they may carry out the following atomic action, called Taking a Turn:”.
At the end of “Turns”, but before “Delayed Rules”, add the paragraph
If it has been an Island’s Turn for 48 consecutive hours, that Island is Dormant. If there is a Dormant Island, the most recent Island to have Taken a Turn may Take a Turn as if they were that Dormant Island.
Kevan: he/him
Taking someone else’s turn for them seems a bit much, when that turn could include potentially big optional actions like “set Pressure to zero”.
It also still leaves the game blocked if the “most recent Island to have Taken a Turn” also times out, or has idled. Blanking the Turn Timer of a Dormant Island would be simpler, wouldn’t it?