Proposal: Top of the Class
Timed out, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 01 Nov 2023 06:50:44 UTC
Add a new rule named “Achievements” and give it the following text:
Each Wizard has a publicly-tracked Achievements, which is a list of Achievement names that defaults to empty. The possible names in the list of Achievements are defined in the table below along with the criteria required for each Achievement. The criteria for an Achievement must be met between the moment just before the first Spell is cast during a Duel and the moment just after the last Spell’s Effects are applied during that same Duel.
{| class="wikitable"
! Name !! Criteria
| - || -
|}If a Wizard has at least 3 Achievements, that Wizard is considered to be an Archmage. While there is no Duel that is Pending, a Wizard achieves victory based on meeting one of the following criteria:
* If a Wizard is the only Archmage out of all Wizards, they achieve victory.
* If a Wizard is an Archmage and their Stars exceed all other Archmages’ Stars, they achieve victory.
In the rule “Commencing a Duel”, after the bullet point beginning with “Reply to the duel post”, add this bullet point:
* If it is on or after November 15 2023, for each Achievement, add it to the list of Achievements for each Wizard who met the criteria for that Achievement during this Duel if that Wizard does not have that Achievement in their list already.
This time, I’m just introducing the core mechanic for Achievements without defining any Achievements first, and I tightened up some of the language of when Achievement criteria apply. Achievements won’t even start to be acquired until 2 weeks from now, which gives us plenty of time to come up with a list and tweak anything that was added.
Why not just have the obvious most-stars win condition?