Friday, July 15, 2011

Proposal: Tough Shove

Times out 10-1 and is enacted. -coppro

Adminned at 17 Jul 2011 14:35:09 UTC

If the Proposal titled “How much wood would a wood chuck chuck?” Passes, this proposal does nothing.

Under “Species”, replace

A valid Entry Point is any Arena Square which is Empty, and which is either in Column A, Column I, Row 1 or Row 9. If a Gladiator is Resting and has an Icon, and if any valid Entry Points exist, that Gladiator may enter the Arena by occupying a single valid Entry Point and updating his Status to “Fighting”. A Gladiator may not enter the Arena twice in any given three-hour period. Unidling Gladiators become Resting.


An Entry Point is any Arena Square which is either in Column A, Column I, Row 1 or Row 9. If a Gladiator is Resting and has an Icon, and if any Empty Entry Points exist, that Gladiator may enter the Arena by occupying a single Empty Entry Point and updating his Status to “Fighting”. A Gladiator may not enter the Arena twice in any given three-hour period. Unidling Gladiators become Resting.

Add the following Main Action to the list of Main Actions at the bottom of the rule, “Turn-Based Actions”

Charge. Charge can only be performed by Resting Gladiators who have not Entered the Arena in the last 3 hours.  A Gladiator (here, Attacker) taking this action selects a Gladiator (here, Victim) on an Entry Point and moves that Gladiator to any square the Victim could legally Step into that is not an Entry Point.  The Attacker must then immediately Enter the Arena (as Per “Species”) on the Victim’s previous Square (i.e., the Entry Point the Victim was on when the Victim was Charged).  Charging costs 2 AP.

I don’t feel like figuring out How much wood.  Someone can repropose if that passes.


Josh: he/they

15-07-2011 09:39:16 UTC



15-07-2011 10:21:50 UTC


(Though I have to comment that I understand now why there are so many mistakes if something as simple, though text-heavy, as my proposal isn’t even read completly… *sad*)


15-07-2011 10:40:39 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

15-07-2011 13:52:09 UTC



15-07-2011 15:00:56 UTC

against This gets rid of the empty qualification of entering.  What happens if you try to enter on top of someone else?  I would agree with a non-blocked entry square, but not just removing the empty qualification.


15-07-2011 15:02:17 UTC

for CoV

Wow, that’s what I get for not reading the whole paragraph…

Prince Anduril:

15-07-2011 16:27:34 UTC



15-07-2011 17:44:19 UTC



15-07-2011 18:11:43 UTC



15-07-2011 22:42:18 UTC



16-07-2011 02:02:24 UTC

for  clever

Josh: he/they

16-07-2011 09:15:51 UTC



16-07-2011 11:12:25 UTC


Kevan: he/him

17-07-2011 09:26:02 UTC
