Thursday, October 06, 2005

Proposal: Tourist resort

Self-Killed by Excalabur, who also failed it.

Adminned at 08 Oct 2005 00:30:20 UTC

Add to the list of buildings in rule 14 the following:

Tourist Destination (Building)
**Average Guys:
***Initial Cost: H$800
***Cost/period: 2 of each commodity + 2 additional resources
***No. of periods: 4
***Inital Cost: H$1000
***Cost/period: 3 of each commodity
***no. of periods: 3
**Effects: Upon completion, the Maximum Beauty of the territory is increased by 1.  In addition, the production capacity of a single non-Natural Beauty resource may be reduced by up to three, at the discretion of the builder.  If the Tourist Destination is destroyed, the Maximum Beauty of the territory is reduced by DICE2.

If proposal: more tourism did not pass, append its text verbatim to this proposal



06-10-2005 14:08:41 UTC

against “+ 2 additional resources” is not defined anywhere in the ruleset.


06-10-2005 15:16:10 UTC



06-10-2005 16:33:48 UTC

ditto Chronos on this one.


06-10-2005 20:46:00 UTC

sigh.  against