Proposal: Tournament balance changes
Withdrawn and therefore failed -SingularByte
Adminned at 26 Aug 2022 04:59:13 UTC
In the rule Statuses, replace “it will cease to be Flipped after 3 turns have passed” with:
“it will cease to be Flipped after 5 turns have passed”
In the rule Statuses, replace the bullet point Scrambled with:
Scrambled: When a Bot becomes Scrambled, the Announcer randomises the order of its Script. Additionally, if possible, two lines of the script are picked and their reactions are exchanged with each other, then, if possible, this is repeated for another two lines. (A given list item is permitted to be randomly chosen multiple times by this effect). When it ceases to be Scrambled its Script regains its standard order, and any exchanged reactions return to their normal places.
In the rule Systems, replace the effect of Ablative Plating with:
Passive: All Condition loss incurred by other Components on the Actor is doubled and is incurred to this System instead of any other Component that it might be incurred to. Regardless of Statuses or the effects of other Systems on this Bot, no damage incurred to this System as a result of this Effect may cause damage to be incurred to other Components on this Bot.
In the rule Systems, replace the effect of Plate with:
Passive: All Condition loss incurred by this component is halved (rounded up).
In the rule Systems, append the following to the effect of Lead Weight:
The actor’s reactions to move forwards or backwards X times cannot have a value of X greater than 5. The actor’s reactions to bypass forwards or backwards X times cannot have a value of X greater than 3. The actor cannot take the evade reaction.
Some strategies have become literally unused because of how bad they’ve become, and others currently dominate to the point where you literally can’t use anything else. A bit of a meta change for the tournament should shake things up. Specifically:
Flippers don’t give you anywhere near enough time to make something happen so I’ve extended them a bit.
The scrambled status is generally worthless against a competent script writer so I’ve made it a tad more brutal.
Ablative plating is a no-brainer choice for a bot so I’ve now turned it from a general shield of invincibility into a specific choice; do you want to protect your components from effects that would punch deep into your bot like flamethrowers or axes, or do you want the extra resilience of a part like Plate (also buffed).
Finally, Lead weight now slows your bot heavily to the point where you can’t dodge or move as easily.
Trapdoorspyder: he/him
why would I want this