Sunday, November 04, 2007

Proposal: Town Meeting: Book’em (Bren)dan-o

Self-killed, failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 05 Nov 2007 10:40:07 UTC

Place Elias IX in the gaol for his act against our hairy backed citizens by not giving them the chance to defend themselves. Unless Elias IX can give me his reason for such a call, I propose a night or two in the gaol.


Elias IX: Idle

04-11-2007 06:29:04 UTC

I suppose this gives leeway as to the amount of time I spend in the gaol… but check out my comment on my proposal for my reasoning.

BobTHJ: Idle

04-11-2007 08:16:21 UTC

for Orderly investigations shall be conducted. Those who attempt to instill fear and panic in the village should be locked away. A few nights of repentant prayer in the goal will serve to keep Satan at bay.

Kevan: he/himIdle

04-11-2007 10:04:45 UTC

We’re currently in the process of convicting Aaron, and our gaol has only one cell - if both town meetings pass, then this one will have no effect.

Oracular rufio: Idle

04-11-2007 10:49:23 UTC

Hmm.  I think Elias seems more suspicious now, so for

Kevan: he/himIdle

04-11-2007 12:51:32 UTC

Aaronwinborn is now in gaol as a result of an earlier town meeting.

For this town meeting to have any effect, one of the two villagers with Gaol Keys will have to let Aaron out before it enacts.

Brendan: he/himIdle

04-11-2007 14:04:07 UTC

imperial I’ll change to a FOR after we’ve let aaron spend a night stewing.

Shadowclaw: Idle

04-11-2007 14:46:35 UTC

imperial since we all know that gaol overcrowding cannot be allowed.

Rodlen: Idle

04-11-2007 15:07:35 UTC

against Overcrowding.

Chivalrybean: Idle

04-11-2007 15:55:42 UTC

It certainly was a bad move, Elias. People think you are nuts now.  imperial

Darknight: he/him

04-11-2007 19:35:00 UTC

heh, i forgot about the one against arron lol. but since me and brendan have the keys we can still get this to work if it enacts.

Hix: Idle

04-11-2007 22:54:22 UTC

You say that Elias did not give them the chance to defend themselves?  That’s what comments are for.  And the time that the proposal has to spend in queue.  Also, the proposal seems to have been extremely unpopular.  I’d say they defended themselves quite effectively.

Darknight: he/him

05-11-2007 06:29:07 UTC

against S/K. got to think hix and ya got a good point. but elias, ya kinda backed yaself into a cornor right now

Darknight: he/him

05-11-2007 06:29:59 UTC

*thinking and corner. man i can’t spell for crud lol.

Elias IX: Idle

05-11-2007 12:49:59 UTC

I’d like to argue that my proposal was in fact, only a proposal.

Which means I only meant for it to take effect had it received popular support from the village. I was throwing out a possible idea, but it just happened that it wasn’t received well.

Now, I feel that it is strange that you were so quick to jump on me and send me to prison…

however, this is just unfounded speculation.

Tiberias: Idle

05-11-2007 18:04:07 UTC

Elias: You were obviously in favor of the proposal; you voted FOR it.