Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Proposal: Town Meeting: Who watches the Jailer?

Reached Town Meeting Quorum and passed, 9-1.  Hix wins the keys with 6 votes.  Darknight goes to gaol.  Brendan

Adminned at 06 Nov 2007 21:32:44 UTC

Remove the Gaol Keys from Darknight.

A living villager may be nominated to receive these keys by stating, “*name* for jailer” in a comment with a valid vote, where *name* is the name of a living villager. Only one nomination may be stated per vote, and only the most recent nomination of a living villager will be counted. The living villager other than Darknight who receives the most valid nominations will receive those Gaol Keys. If no living villager receives the most nominations, or two or more are tied, then the keys shall instead be placed into the mayor’s inventory.

If a majority of valid votes also contain the phrase “Imprison Darknight” (once per villager, counting each villager’s last valid vote), then Darknight will be placed into jail, if he is still living, changing his occupation to prisoner. Otherwise, aaronwinborn will be placed into jail, if he is still living, changing his occupation to prisoner.



06-11-2007 04:00:14 UTC

for Imprison Darknight. Hix for jailer.


06-11-2007 04:29:22 UTC

for Imprison Darknight. BobTHJ for jailer.

It’s clear that these keys should be in the hands of one who can be trusted. As the representitive of the church, and the chief investigator of the goings on, I would be the logical choice.


06-11-2007 05:03:34 UTC

Imprison Darknight.  BobTHJ for jailor.  for

Elias IX:

06-11-2007 05:46:17 UTC

for Imprision Darknight. Hix for jailer.

Darknight: Elder Judge he/him

06-11-2007 06:39:49 UTC

lol saw this coming. hix for jailer for


06-11-2007 06:47:33 UTC

for Imprison Darknight. BobTHJ for jailor

Brendan: he/him

06-11-2007 14:05:32 UTC

for Imprison Darknight.  Hix for jailer.


06-11-2007 17:36:54 UTC

Did I miss something?  Did Darknight do something suspicious?
Don’t know what I’d be voting for.

Imprison Darknight.  Hix for jailer.

Kevan: he/him

06-11-2007 17:41:16 UTC

Darknight released Aaronwinborn from gaol during the night, a few hours before a successful werewolf attack.


06-11-2007 18:10:06 UTC

for Imprison Darknight.  Hix for jailer.


06-11-2007 20:20:13 UTC

That sneaky… If I wasn’t a ghost…


06-11-2007 20:55:07 UTC

for Imprison Darknight. Hockeyruler for jailer.

Obviously we need someone who knows that the greater good in life is not killing, but is fun!

I really don’t care who gets since i don’t know bob or hix enough. and i don’t care if i win.

Darknight: Elder Judge he/him

06-11-2007 21:20:06 UTC

so seeing how i’m gonna be locked up for abit anyone want to tend to the inn while i’m gone?


06-11-2007 22:16:18 UTC

I’ll haunt it for you, and I’ll try not to scare away too many customers.

Darknight: Elder Judge he/him

06-11-2007 22:32:38 UTC

lol thats if ya allowed to chiv.