TP costs to sign up for events; notes on Psychic Football
(This is mostly directed at Bucky)—
The event description for Psychic Football didn’t say anything about a TP cost to register for that event, and I didn’t find anything in the Rules that establishes a 1 TP cost for that event when the event description is silent. So I want my 1 TP back.
Also, I correctly picked Chris Leak as MVP (actually the Powers that Be selected two MVPs: an offensive one (Leak) and a defensive one (Derrick Harvey)), so I get a Wits bump up too.
I suppose that I got at least a Bronze medal for correctly picking the winner—perhaps better, but we won’t know until we know what the rival teams’ picks were.
My bad on the TP. And, Clucky hasn’t given out the Wall Smash medals either.