Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Proposal: Trading Traitor Traits

Quorums 11-0. — Quirck

Adminned at 07 Dec 2022 21:03:19 UTC

If there exists a dynastic rule called “Possession”, add the following paragraph to the end of it:

Any Explorer currently Possessed by Katastrophe is under no obligation to honor any informal promises they have made with other Explorers, nor to tell the truth to them, and is encouraged to lie to and betray other Explorers in order to achieve any possible advantage. An Explorer is under no obligation to honor any informal promises they made while they were Possessed by Katastrophe, regardless of whether they are still possessed, but when they break such a promise while not Possessed by Katastrophe they should disclose that they were Possessed by Katastrophe when they made it.


JonathanDark: he/him

07-12-2022 03:57:23 UTC

How are “informal promises” managed anyway, mechanically speaking? I’m just wondering what the real effect of this Proposal is, other than a guideline on how to operate when Possessed and when not Possessed.


07-12-2022 04:06:05 UTC

It’s a partial revival of a former Special Case. See

The Special Case was a countermeasure for an era of excessive Pooling. The idea was that the Traitor can enter a victory pool and then backstab for a 100% win without costing their credibility for future dynasties.

This is more short-term. It weakly discourages making long-term deals within the dynasty lest one of the partners be possessed when it’s time for them to uphold their part of the bargain.


07-12-2022 04:14:20 UTC

Perhaps the players who are more experienced with Traitor dynasties (Josh, Kevan, Raven1207) can explain it better.

SingularByte: he/him

07-12-2022 08:45:45 UTC


Josh: he/they

07-12-2022 09:02:50 UTC

I think the Traitor special case rule turned out to be meaningful maybe once ever? If this is going to be a betrayal-heavy dynasty then it may need stronger spelling out and social protection clauses than this wording.


Kevan: he/him

07-12-2022 09:09:27 UTC

The old Traitor rule was a counterweight to BlogNomic’s natural tendency for all recurring players to know that they could trust one another: betraying someone at the last minute in one dynasty would be at a great social cost for all future games, so it was generally safe to make extremely precarious alpha-player plans (“okay, I’ll throw the diamonds down to you, then you open the door to let me out”) in the knowledge that your accomplice was a socially-bound automaton who wouldn’t get any selfish ideas. Despite some grumbling from one or two players that they would still choose to permanently mistrust any traitor who ever did any traitoring, I think it broadly did its job of making lazy teamwork more difficult, but it always had an air of misunderstanding over why it was there, and we dropped it after a couple of years.

I like the dual personality thing a lot here. for

Lulu: she/her

07-12-2022 13:36:03 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

07-12-2022 15:02:05 UTC


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

07-12-2022 15:50:48 UTC



07-12-2022 16:47:30 UTC


Brendan: he/him

07-12-2022 17:22:32 UTC


Darknight: he/him

07-12-2022 17:45:10 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

07-12-2022 20:07:58 UTC
