Proposal: Trading Traitor Traits
Quorums 11-0. — Quirck
Adminned at 07 Dec 2022 21:03:19 UTC
If there exists a dynastic rule called “Possession”, add the following paragraph to the end of it:
Any Explorer currently Possessed by Katastrophe is under no obligation to honor any informal promises they have made with other Explorers, nor to tell the truth to them, and is encouraged to lie to and betray other Explorers in order to achieve any possible advantage. An Explorer is under no obligation to honor any informal promises they made while they were Possessed by Katastrophe, regardless of whether they are still possessed, but when they break such a promise while not Possessed by Katastrophe they should disclose that they were Possessed by Katastrophe when they made it.
JonathanDark: he/him
How are “informal promises” managed anyway, mechanically speaking? I’m just wondering what the real effect of this Proposal is, other than a guideline on how to operate when Possessed and when not Possessed.