Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Proposal: Training

Timed out. Failed 3-5. Admined by Clucky

Adminned at 13 Dec 2006 17:57:46 UTC

If the Proposal titled “Attributes” failed, this Proposal does nothing.
Else, create a sub rule of “Attributes” called “Training”.

An Olympian may often attempt to train one of eir Attributes by making a comment to the GNDT of “Train XXX DICEN” where XXX is the attribute the student is attempting to train, and N is the current value of that attribute for the student. If the result of the dice roll is equal to 1 or N, then the training succeeds and that attribute is increased by one.



12-12-2006 01:53:13 UTC

for Though this make training from 2 to 3 free…

Clucky: he/him

12-12-2006 01:58:21 UTC

It takes a train, but yes, it would be free. Training is easy at first…


12-12-2006 02:31:28 UTC



12-12-2006 05:34:59 UTC

against It’s a pain having to do do that every day just to stay on equal footing with everyone else.  Also, it puts new players very far behind.


12-12-2006 06:36:33 UTC

New players could soon catch up, as it will take us ages to advance a few points while they gain some points almost every day (on average)


12-12-2006 08:28:43 UTC

Same as Hix

Josh: he/they

12-12-2006 09:45:31 UTC

against Sounds very tedious.

Clucky: he/him

12-12-2006 14:28:10 UTC

Do you have another idea on how to train attributes, Hix?


12-12-2006 17:20:48 UTC

Yeah, maybe some system where everyone who does not participate in an Event is assumed to have spent that time training for other events instead.  That could also create an interesting tension:  Skipping events might increase your odds of winning other events, but if too many Olympians skip an event, medals will be awarded to our rivals.

Making it fair for new players isn’t a high priority for me, but could be achieved by changing the “new players start with 2” line to something like “new players start with (some function of the total number of medals that have been awarded)”


12-12-2006 18:29:43 UTC

I have another way also: automatic increasing whenever a particularly good roll is made.

Clucky: he/him

12-12-2006 19:16:49 UTC

What if instead we were to give each person a certain number of “Training Points” It would, of course, take N training points to raise a stat from N to N+1.

You would daily gain training points, and then maybe like Hix suggested, also gain training points from skipping events.

That would save messy dice rolls, and the bore of needing to do something once per day.


13-12-2006 20:01:18 UTC

Daily things not good.


13-12-2006 20:23:54 UTC

against I have to be gone one or two days a week every week, and do not get a chance to do anything those days. I really don’t feel like falling behind because of my schedule. Occasionally would work, as would every 72 hours or something similar.


13-12-2006 21:56:41 UTC

against CoV. Will propose another option.